In his 20-year career as a New York police detective, Kevin Rodgers encountered a criminal unlike any he had ever seen before: Viktoria Nasyrova. Known for her brazen and diabolical actions, Nasyrova was implicated in a case where a woman, Olga Tsvyk, was poisoned with a piece of cheesecake. Tsvyk, a beauty stylist, reported to the police that a Russian woman named Viktoria Nasyrova, who bore a striking resemblance to her, had come to her house with cheesecake slices and insisted she eat one. After consuming the cheesecake, Tsvyk became severely ill and was hospitalized.

Initially suspicious of Tsvyk’s claims, Rodgers found evidence in the form of the cheesecake box in Tsvyk’s garbage, which contained remnants of the poisonous pastry. Further testing revealed the presence of Phenazepam, a sedative primarily used in Russia, in the cheesecake. This discovery led Rodgers to believe that Nasyrova intended to kill Tsvyk in order to assume her identity. As the case unfolded, it became apparent that Nasyrova had a pattern of luring victims through social interactions, drugging them, and stealing from them.

The investigation into Nasyrova’s crimes spanned multiple continents, with additional victims coming forward, including a man named Ruben Borukhov who had also been drugged and robbed by Nasyrova. Another victim, Alla Alekseenko, who had gone missing in Russia after befriending Nasyrova, was later found deceased, with evidence pointing towards Nasyrova’s involvement. Nadia Ford, Alekseenko’s daughter, launched her own investigation into her mother’s disappearance and eventually tracked Nasyrova to New York.

After nearly six years in custody, Nasyrova stood trial for the poisoning of Olga Tsvyk. The prosecution presented evidence of Nasyrova’s intent to harm Tsvyk in order to assume her identity. Despite Nasyrova’s denial of the allegations, the jury found her guilty of attempted murder in the second degree. Nasyrova was sentenced to 21 years in jail for her crimes. The case shed light on Nasyrova’s manipulative and dangerous behavior, prompting reflection on the impact of her actions on her victims, including Tsvyk and Ford.

Following Nasyrova’s conviction, Tsvyk and Ford found solace in their newfound friendship, forged through their shared experiences of being targeted by Nasyrova. Despite the deep emotional scars left by Nasyrova’s actions, Tsvyk and Ford have found strength in each other’s support. The case of Viktoria Nasyrova serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers posed by individuals with malicious intent and the resilience of those who survive their schemes.

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