The Girona Court has sentenced José Hernández Segura, a businessman from Palamós, to nine years in prison for raping a 12-year-old girl who worked for his company for three summers. The prosecutor and the private prosecution requested a 300-year prison sentence for the accused. The court only held the accused responsible for a continuous crime of estupro through prevail over the victim. The private prosecution, on the other hand, accused Hernández of 16 counts of rape and 2 of sexual assault.

The difference between the sentence and the request of the prosecuting parties lies in the fact that the court only found the accused guilty of one specific crime, while the private prosecution held him accountable for multiple charges. The court did not find evidence of violence or intimidation by the businessman during his sexual encounters with the girl. However, they did acknowledge that he acted without the girl’s consent and took advantage of his position of authority over her. The authenticity of a recording that sparked a debate between police and experts from the Civil Guard during the trial was upheld by the court. In the recording, the businessman apologizes to the girl for the harm he caused her and admits to raping her.

The sentencing reflects the court’s judgment that Hernández’s actions constituted a serious offense that warranted a significant punishment. Despite the discrepancy between the sentence and the prosecution’s request for a more severe penalty, the court found him guilty of a crime that merited imprisonment. The court’s decision to convict Hernández was based on the evidence presented during the trial, including the recording in which he confesses to raping the girl. The court concluded that the businessman had committed a crime that required him to be held accountable through incarceration.

This case highlights the importance of upholding justice and ensuring that perpetrators of sexual abuse face the consequences of their actions. The court’s decision to convict Hernández and sentence him to prison sends a powerful message that such behavior will not be tolerated. By holding the accused accountable and delivering a just punishment, the court affirms its commitment to protecting victims of sexual abuse and holding perpetrators responsible for their actions. The decision serves as a reminder that those who commit such heinous crimes will be held accountable and face the full force of the law.

The court’s ruling also serves as a form of justice for the victim, ensuring that her perpetrator is held accountable for the harm he caused her. By convicting Hernández and sentencing him to prison, the court validates the victim’s courage in coming forward and seeking justice. The verdict sends a message of support to survivors of sexual abuse, demonstrating that the legal system will stand by them and ensure that those who harm them are held responsible for their actions. The court’s decision serves as a step towards healing and closure for the victim, providing her with a sense of justice and validation for her experience.

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