In this edition of the program, the focus is on the declining press freedom in Europe and the 20th anniversary of the big bang enlargement. Panelists including Olena Abramovych, Ricardo Borges de Castro, and Dorota Bawolek discuss the success of the European Union’s expansion 20 years ago when 10 new countries joined. Despite facing obstacles, the panelists agreed that overall it has been a positive development. Borges de Castro expressed that although there have been challenges, the past 20 years have been a great success.

In light of International Press Freedom Day, the panel also addresses the concerning trend of shrinking press freedom within the EU. Bawolek shares her personal experience of facing attacks, both online and offline, for her reporting and experiencing censorship. She emphasizes that democracy in Europe is currently facing challenges, with media freedom being one of the casualties. The decline in press freedom is seen as a symptom of larger issues within European democracies. The panelists highlight the importance of protecting and strengthening press freedom as a fundamental component of democracy.

Despite the challenges facing press freedom in Europe, the panelists acknowledge that progress has been made over the past 20 years. The big bang enlargement of the EU marked a significant milestone in European history, bringing together diverse countries and cultures under a common union. While there have been setbacks along the way, the expansion has overall been viewed positively by the panelists, with Borges de Castro emphasizing the success of the story despite its ups and downs.

The discussion also delves into the role of the media in European democracies and the importance of promoting independent and objective journalism. Panelists highlight the need for media outlets to be able to operate freely without fear of censorship or reprisal. Bawolek’s personal experience serves as a reminder of the risks journalists face in reporting on sensitive or controversial issues. The panelists stress the need for European democracies to uphold the principles of press freedom and support journalists in their vital role as watchdogs of democracy.

As Europe commemorates the 20th anniversary of the big bang enlargement, there is a recognition of the progress made in uniting European countries and fostering cooperation. However, the panelists also draw attention to the challenges facing European democracies today, including the erosion of press freedom. The discussion serves as a reminder of the importance of defending democratic values and protecting the independence of the media. The panelists call for greater efforts to safeguard press freedom and ensure that journalists can report freely and without fear of retaliation.

Overall, the panel discussion highlights the current state of press freedom in Europe and the need for continued vigilance in protecting this fundamental aspect of democracy. The 20th anniversary of the big bang enlargement serves as a point of reflection on the successes and challenges of European integration. The panelists emphasize the importance of defending press freedom as a cornerstone of democracy and call for collective action to uphold the principles of a free and independent media. Despite the threats facing press freedom, there remains hope for progress and a renewed commitment to safeguarding democratic values in Europe.

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