French troops joined their British counterparts in the Changing of the Guard ceremony outside Buckingham Palace for the first time in a display of solidarity amid the war in Ukraine. This historic event marked the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, a diplomatic agreement between Britain and France that paved the way for their collaboration in both World War I and World War II. French President Emmanuel Macron highlighted the importance of this alliance, especially in light of the ongoing conflict in Europe and the need to support Ukraine in defending itself against aggression.

British and French foreign ministers published a joint opinion piece urging allies to increase funding for Ukraine, emphasizing the need for global unity in the face of challenges posed by Russia. Prince Edward and his wife Sophie attended the joint parade in London, representing King Charles III, who was undergoing cancer treatment at the time. This event marked the first time a country outside the Commonwealth participated in the Changing of the Guard ceremony, symbolizing the deepening ties between France and Britain.

While the French troops did not participate in guarding Buckingham Palace, they took part in the joint celebrations alongside their British counterparts. In Paris, 16 members of the Coldstream Guards became the first foreign troops to guard the French presidential residence, further showcasing the strong military and diplomatic relationship between the two countries. Both France and Britain emphasized the significance of these ceremonies as part of a broader program to honor their historic ties, with upcoming events in Normandy planned to commemorate Allied veterans who fought to liberate France from Nazi occupation.

The joint military parade in Paris and London included soldiers from both countries marching together in a show of solidarity, accompanied by the national anthems of both nations. The alliance between France and Britain, forged through the Entente Cordiale, remains as relevant as ever in the face of global challenges and the resurgence of conflict in Europe. King Charles III’s decision to visit France as his first foreign destination after ascending the throne underscores the strong bond between the two nations, with last year’s postponed state visit serving as a testament to their enduring friendship and partnership.

The participation of French troops in the Changing of the Guard ceremony and the joint military parade is a symbolic gesture of unity and cooperation between France and Britain. As the world watches the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the need for collective action against aggression, the two countries stand together to defend shared values and support those in need. The events in London and Paris serve as a reminder of the historic ties between France and Britain, rooted in mutual respect, collaboration, and a commitment to upholding peace and security in the face of adversity.

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