President Biden and former President Donald Trump are gearing up for their 2024 election rematch but are facing some challenges in locking up their base voters. Zombie candidate Nikki Haley, who dropped out of the Republican presidential nomination race, continues to grab significant support in GOP primaries, posing a threat to Trump. Meanwhile, Biden is dealing with an “uncommitted” vote group protesting his support for Israel in its conflict with Hamas in Gaza. Warning signs are flashing in the primaries, signaling potential problems for both candidates.

Haley won 22% of the vote in Indiana’s GOP presidential primary, where independents and Democrats could vote. In Maryland and Nebraska, where mostly closed Republican contests were held, Haley grabbed 21% and 18% support, respectively. She performed strongest in suburban areas in both states, posing a general election challenge for Trump, who is facing a criminal trial. Republican consultant David Kochel highlighted the dissatisfaction among GOP voters, suggesting that the Trump campaign needs to address Haley voters to avoid a base-only strategy.

In the Democratic primaries, 10% of votes in Maryland were “uncommitted,” indicating dissatisfaction with Biden’s Mideast policies among far-left voters. This presents a red flag for the president as he prepares for the election rematch with Trump. Biden recently proposed holding presidential debates with Trump in June and early September, to which Trump agreed. Longtime Democratic pollster Mark Penn interpreted Biden’s debate proposal as a sign of weakness, as it is uncommon for a candidate ahead in polls to seek debates.

National surveys have shown that many Americans are not thrilled with the prospect of a rematch between Biden and Trump. The age and unpopularity of both candidates have raised concerns about the upcoming debates. Kochel noted that putting two of the most unpopular politicians in front of 80 million people could reinforce the country’s dissatisfaction with the choices. The debates are expected to be a crucial moment in the election campaign, as both candidates seek to win over undecided voters and solidify their base support.

Despite the challenges they are facing in locking up their base voters, both Biden and Trump are preparing for their 2024 election rematch. Nikki Haley’s continued popularity in GOP primaries poses a threat to Trump, while Biden is dealing with dissent in his party over his Mideast policies. The upcoming debates between the two candidates are expected to be a critical moment in the campaign, as they seek to appeal to undecided voters and sway their base support. The dissatisfaction among voters with the choices offered by the two candidates remains a key issue as the election approaches.

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