Three activists in Berlin have been on a hunger strike for weeks, refusing food to draw attention to the dangers of climate change and pressure politicians into taking action. The group, called “Hungern bis ihr ehrlich seid” (Hunger until you are honest), aims to achieve a radical reduction in greenhouse gases, with a demand for Chancellor Olaf Scholz to make a government statement on the issue. One of the participants, Michael Winter, is now in critical condition after 22 days without food, according to his doctor Susanne Koch. Despite this, Winter has stated his intention to continue the hunger strike.

While Winter’s health is deteriorating rapidly, another activist, Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, who has been on the hunger strike for 62 days, remains in a relatively stable condition, according to Dr. Koch. The third participant, Richard Cluse, who joined the hunger strike on March 25, has also become underweight. Winter’s dire situation has led Dr. Koch to recommend that he resume eating under medical supervision at a clinic. However, Winter has expressed his determination to continue fasting, stating that he would like to survive but is committed to continuing the hunger strike.

Metzeler-Kick has announced plans to intensify his hunger strike by going on a dry hunger strike for a day during a court hearing in Passau, where he faces charges related to a climate protest. He also intends to stop consuming juices in order to escalate the protest. Additionally, a fourth man joined the hunger strikers on Tuesday, vowing not to speak until Chancellor Scholz addresses their demands. Dr. Koch mentioned that hunger strikers typically survive for 50 to 70 days, but with the intake of juices and vitamins, this duration can be extended significantly.

The activists hope to bring attention to the urgent need for radical action on climate change and are calling for immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The group’s demands have not yet been addressed by Chancellor Scholz, who has remained silent on the issue. The hunger strike is part of a larger movement to push for government action on climate change. While the health of one of the participants is now at risk, the activists are determined to continue their protest until their demands are met.

The hunger strike in Berlin has garnered attention for its bold and committed stance on climate activism. The participants have sacrificed their health in order to draw attention to the pressing need for action on climate change. With one of the activists now in critical condition, the situation highlights the urgency of the climate crisis and the determination of individuals to bring about change through nonviolent means. Despite the risks to their health, the hunger strikers remain steadfast in their commitment to continue the protest until their demands for a radical shift in climate policy are met.

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