Becky Hill, a 30-year-old singer, has opened up about being sexually assaulted by a male friend at the age of 21. She kept the assault a secret for many years because she believed that no one would believe her. The experience has had a lasting impact on her, and she expressed that she will never fully recover from it. In her new single True Colours, Becky shares her story of assault alongside musician Self Esteem, also known as Rebecca Taylor, as a way of healing from the trauma.

After eight years of keeping the assault to herself, Becky decided to report it, feeling that it had been eating away at her for far too long. She hopes that by speaking out and sharing her story, she can set an example for others who may have experienced similar trauma. Becky believes that the low reporting numbers for rape and sexual assault are indicative of a larger issue in society. She wants to create a dialogue around consent and empower others to speak up about their own experiences.

Following the assault, Becky struggled with flashbacks and a fear of men. It wasn’t until she met her fiancé Chris Gardner that she began to feel safe and supported. Becky believes that consent education should be a priority in schools to prevent future incidents of sexual assault. She feels that the education system failed her generation by not adequately addressing these important issues. By sharing her story, Becky hopes to break the stigma and shame surrounding sexual assault and shift the blame back to the perpetrators.

Becky first rose to fame as a contestant on The Voice UK in 2012, where she finished in fifth place. Since then, she has collaborated with various producers and won the Best Dance Act BRIT Award twice. Her upcoming album, Believe Me Now?, is set to be released on May 31, showcasing her talent and resilience as an artist. By speaking out about her experience, Becky is advocating for change and hoping to spark important conversations around sexual assault and consent.

In her interview with Glamour UK, Becky discusses the importance of keeping the conversation about sexual assault open and ongoing. She wants to see a shift in societal attitudes towards victims of assault and hopes that sharing her story will encourage others to come forward. Becky’s bravery in speaking out serves as a powerful example of resilience and strength in the face of trauma. She encourages others to seek support and speak their truth, emphasizing that healing is a journey that requires honesty and courage.

To support individuals who have experienced sexual assault, helplines such as Rape Crisis England and Wales and Rape Crisis Scotland are available for assistance. These resources provide vital support to survivors and offer a safe space to seek help and guidance. Becky’s story serves as a reminder that no one should suffer in silence and that there are avenues for healing and support. Through her music and advocacy, Becky is helping to create a more supportive and understanding environment for those who have experienced sexual assault.

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