Barstool Sports personality Bill Cotter, also known as “Billy Football,” is running for Congress in New York’s 3rd Congressional District, aiming to be a voice for the younger generation. A fifth-generation New Yorker, Cotter is motivated by the issues affecting District 3 that were not problems when he was growing up in the city. He is particularly concerned about crime, the immigration crisis, and the rising cost of living in New York, prompting him to get involved in politics and make a difference.

At 25, Cotter decided to run for Congress, using his platform to address pressing issues such as inflation and the cost of living crisis that impact his generation. He highlighted the financial struggles faced by young people, noting that housing prices are prohibitively expensive and wages have not kept up with the rising cost of everyday expenses. Cotter also expressed concern about the national debt, which he believes will burden the younger generation if not addressed effectively by policymakers.

With a social media following of 300,000, Cotter has a unique platform to engage with a diverse range of individuals, from pro athletes to bartenders, who share a sense that something is wrong in the country. He believes that there is a lack of common sense in political decision-making and hopes to bring a fresh perspective to the table. Cotter emphasized the importance of listening to the concerns of everyday Americans and advocating for policies that truly serve the public interest.

Cotter chose to run as a Republican candidate because he feels that his views on national security, support for law enforcement, and fiscal responsibility align with the party’s values. However, he emphasized that his approach to governance is not strictly partisan and that he will evaluate each issue on its own merits without bias. Cotter has been working diligently to collect the necessary signatures to appear on the Republican ballot in New York, facing challenges in navigating the electoral process as a grassroots candidate.

Despite facing barriers in gathering signatures and competing against establishment candidates, Cotter remains committed to running a true grassroots campaign. He has personally collected around a thousand signatures, demonstrating his dedication to engaging with voters directly and challenging the status quo in political representation. Cotter’s campaign reflects a growing trend of younger, non-traditional candidates seeking to make their voices heard in the political arena and tackle the pressing issues facing their generation. With a focus on common sense policies and genuine engagement with constituents, Cotter is positioning himself as a fresh voice for change in New York’s 3rd Congressional District.

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