The article discusses the ongoing debate surrounding the Autonomy bill in the Italian parliament. As the deadline approaches, there is a flurry of over 2400 amendments proposed, all coming from opposition groups. The majority party, Forza Italia, has not proposed any amendments. However, the southern branch of Forza Italia, led by Governor Roberto Occhiuto from Calabria, has stated that they will consider minority proposals in committee and may present their amendments during the parliamentary debate. The current agreement is that the bill will reach the floor for general discussion on April 29th, with the final approval potentially coming after the European elections in June.

Despite the apparent agreement, there are conflicting opinions within the Forza Italia party. Party leader Antonio Tajani has emphasized that the Autonomy bill should benefit the entire country and not favor one region over another. He has stated that the party will be vigilant to ensure a balanced approach. However, Veneto Governor Luca Zaia has criticized the notion of vigilance, stating that the process is one of responsibility and modernization for Italy. This exchange highlights the differing perspectives within the party regarding the Autonomy bill. Forza Italia deputies have also hinted at the possibility of presenting their own amendments in the future, challenging the current consensus.

The Lega party remains calm amidst the debate, stressing the need to respect the existing agreement. They have stated that the presentation of amendments by certain deputies does not automatically mean they will be supported by Forza Italia. The situation is further complicated by Fratelli d’Italia’s cautious stance and Premier Giorgia Meloni’s statement expressing optimism about the bill’s progress. The opposition parties have raised concerns about potential delays and have called on the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana, to address the situation.

The schedule for the committee examination of the Autonomy bill may face delays due to obstructionism in the Chamber related to other legislation and the upcoming elections in Basilicata. Despite the challenges, the Lega party is determined to proceed with the general discussion on April 29th, defending the date vigorously against opposition pressure. There are fears within Forza Italia that the political landscape may shift following the European elections, potentially impacting the fate of the Autonomy bill. The uncertainty surrounding the bill’s future has also been acknowledged by Lega party members, underscoring the complex nature of the ongoing debate and the political dynamics at play.

Overall, the article paints a picture of a contentious political landscape in Italy as various parties navigate the delicate negotiations surrounding the Autonomy bill. The conflicting perspectives within Forza Italia, the cautious optimism of Fratelli d’Italia, and the determined stance of the Lega party all contribute to a sense of uncertainty and tension. The upcoming European elections and the potential for shifts in the balance of power within the center-right coalition add a layer of complexity to the situation. The fate of the Autonomy bill remains uncertain, with key decisions and potential amendments still to be made as the debate unfolds.

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