Anne Hathaway recently revealed in an interview with the New York Times that she has been sober for over five years, which she considers a milestone more important than any birthday. She also discussed turning 40 in 2022, downplaying it as not as significant as some may think, citing the uncertainty of life and not wanting to label it as middle age. Hathaway emphasized the positive impact that not drinking has had on her life and shared her decision to quit alcohol, especially while her sons are young and need her.

In a 2019 appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Hathaway first announced her decision to stop drinking, explaining that she didn’t love the way she felt when drinking and how it affected her ability to be fully present for her son. She recalled a specific moment when she realized the negative impact of being hungover while dropping her son off at school, leading her to make the decision to quit alcohol altogether. Hathaway’s commitment to sobriety reflects her dedication to being the best version of herself for her family.

During a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Hathaway elaborated on her decision to completely cut out alcohol, acknowledging that she knew deep down it was not the right fit for her. Despite initially feeling the extreme nature of completely abstaining from alcohol, she realized that it was the best choice for her well-being. While she respects others who choose to drink responsibly, Hathaway emphasized that everyone has to walk their own path and make decisions that are in line with their own values and lifestyle.

Hathaway admitted that alcohol was not a positive force in her life, describing it as “wallowing fuel” that she preferred to avoid. She expressed faith in the ability of others to enjoy drinks in moderation without experiencing the negative effects that she personally felt. By choosing sobriety, Hathaway has embraced a healthier lifestyle that allows her to fully engage with her family and pursue her goals with clarity and focus. Her journey to sobriety serves as a reminder that making choices that prioritize one’s well-being can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

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