Andrea Levy, a 39-year-old woman from Barcelona, recounts her struggles with fibromyalgia in her book “La utilidad de todo este dolor” (The Utility of All This Pain). She describes the challenges she faced, including being misdiagnosed and medicating herself with antidepressants. Levy emphasizes the importance of seeking appropriate medical help rather than relying on self-medication, which can be addictive.

Levy also opens up about her past relationship with a drug addict, highlighting the dangers of being too focused on caring for others and neglecting oneself. She mentions her time as the vice secretary of the PP, attributing her appointment to the party’s need to renew its image with younger spokespersons like Pablo Casado. Despite receiving criticism for being too confrontational, Levy believes their approach helped attract a new generation to the party.

During her time in the PP, Levy faced challenges such as apologizing to the public after the Gürtel case verdict and dealing with internal tensions within the party. She reflects on the transient nature of political careers, citing examples like Alicia Sánchez Camacho and Cristina Cifuentes, whose promising careers suddenly came to an end. Levy believes that political parties need to be more inclusive and flexible to avoid losing talented individuals.

Levy discusses the power dynamics between politicians, media, and corporations, mentioning a situation where an Ibex-35 company demanded a change in leadership in exchange for financial support. Despite the pressure, the PP stood its ground, eventually proving successful when Ciudadanos disappeared. Levy stresses the importance of being aware of the influence of corporations and maintaining integrity in politics.

Levy reflects on the handling of the Catalan independence crisis, criticizing the PP’s inaction and lack of a cohesive political strategy to counter the separatist movement. She emphasizes the need for emotional and institutional responses to effectively address such challenges. Levy believes that the PP has the opportunity to attract disenchanted former independentists and broaden its support base in Catalonia.

Lastly, Levy touches on her personal experiences with sexism and attacks on social media, highlighting the impact of such behaviors on individuals in politics. She calls for greater empathy and civility in political discourse to create a more positive and respectful environment. Despite the challenges and negativity in politics, Levy remains committed to her political career and hopes to continue making a difference in the future.

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