In a recent interview with LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy shared his best career advice, highlighting the importance of having a positive attitude in the workplace. Jassy emphasized that attitude plays a significant role in one’s success, particularly in one’s 20s. He explained that a positive attitude involves working well in a team, meeting deadlines, and being more can-do than naysaying. Jassy believes that these simple strategies are often overlooked but can make a big difference in one’s career.

Jassy’s career at Amazon is a testament to the power of a positive attitude. At the age of 29, he joined Amazon as a marketing manager and quickly rose through the ranks. He was invited to be Jeff Bezos’s first “shadow” advisor, a role that allowed him to strengthen his leadership skills. Despite warnings from colleagues, Jassy chose to focus on the positive aspects of the job and ultimately found the experience to be incredible. This highlights the importance of staying optimistic and open to new opportunities, even when faced with uncertainty.

While Amazon has faced criticism for its treatment of employees, Jassy has acknowledged that there is room for improvement. He understands the importance of creating a positive work environment and has expressed a commitment to addressing any issues that arise. Regardless of the challenges faced in the workplace, maintaining a positive attitude can lead to stronger relationships and support from colleagues. Jassy believes that having advocates and mentors can accelerate one’s success, as people want to see those with a positive attitude thrive.

Research has shown that a positive attitude can have numerous benefits in the workplace, including increased productivity, creativity, and prevention of burnout. Jassy emphasizes that while there are many things that are out of one’s control in a work environment, attitude is something that can be controlled. By focusing on maintaining a positive mindset, individuals can navigate challenges more effectively and create a more fulfilling and successful career. Ultimately, having a positive attitude can help individuals build stronger relationships and advance in their careers.

For those looking to land their dream job, Jassy advises taking control of their attitude and staying positive throughout the job search process. He highlights the importance of building strong relationships, picking up advocates and mentors, and focusing on personal growth and development. By maintaining a positive attitude and approaching challenges with confidence and enthusiasm, individuals can increase their chances of success and achieve their career goals. Jassy’s own journey at Amazon serves as a testament to the power of positivity and optimism in the workplace.

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