Alan Ritchson, known for his role as Jack Reacher in the Prime Video series, is set to return to Netflix in May with all three seasons of the comedy series Blue Mountain State. The show originally aired on Spike TV from 2010-2011 and follows the wild antics of the fictional Blue Mountain State college football team. Ritchson plays senior linebacker Kevin “Thad” Castle, alongside Darin Brooks and Chris Romano.

Blue Mountain State, which was previously available on Netflix before leaving in 2019, also features former NFL running back Ed Marinaro as the team’s head coach. The series includes cameo appearances from notable sports figures such as Bill Parcells and Boomer Esiason. Ritchson reprised his role as Thad in the 2016 spinoff movie Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland.

After the success of Reacher, Ritchson has been branching out into feature films and has already appeared in projects such as the Fast and Furious sequel Fast X and the faith-based movie Ordinary Angels. He recently starred in the action-adventure film The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare alongside Henry Cavill and Eiza González, directed by Guy Ritchie. Currently, Ritchson is working on the upcoming third season of Reacher for Prime Video.

Despite the gap of eight years since The Rise of Thadland, a Blue Mountain State sequel series is reportedly in the works, with Ritchson, Brooks, and Romano all on board for the project. Prime Video and Netflix are among the streamers interested in the potential series, indicating a revival of interest in the beloved comedy show. This news comes as Ritchson continues to juggle his television and film projects while gaining recognition in the entertainment industry.

Fans of Blue Mountain State can look forward to the return of the series on Netflix in May, with all three seasons available for streaming. The show’s raucous humor and sports-themed storyline have charmed viewers in the past, and the addition of Ritchson’s comedic talents as Thad Castle promises to bring even more laughs. As Ritchson’s star continues to rise, his diverse range of projects showcases his versatility as an actor and his ability to take on challenging and intriguing roles on both the big and small screens.

With a successful run on Reacher and a string of film projects under his belt, Ritchson’s return to Netflix with Blue Mountain State marks a nostalgic moment for fans and a chance to relive the comedic escapades of the Blue Mountain State football team. As the actor continues to make waves in the entertainment industry, his upcoming projects and potential sequels signal a bright future ahead for Alan Ritchson and his expanding body of work.

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