Arya, a beloved family dog, was tragically shot by a stray bullet that entered her Queens home, resulting in severe injuries. Despite initial signs of recovery after multiple surgeries, Arya’s heart ultimately gave out and she passed away four days after the incident. Her owner, Lisa Murena, expressed her devastation over the loss of Arya, a 6-year-old Pomeranian and Husky mix. The gunshot had pierced Arya’s groin and nicked her colon, leaving her unable to walk after the surgery. Arya was transferred to Brooklyn Critical Care Vet, where she later succumbed to heart failure.

The source of the stray bullet was traced back to a house behind the Murena family’s residence, where a resident indicated that her son, Joshua Marte, 18, had recently left the home. Marte was apprehended by the NYPD, expressing that he did not intend to harm anyone in what was described as a “spontaneous utterance” by NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny. The incident left neighbors outraged and shocked, with one local resident expressing anger over the senseless violence that led to Arya’s death. Questions were raised about why a teenager would possess a gun and the need for stricter gun laws to prevent similar tragedies from occurring.

Lisa Murena joined in calling for changes in gun laws, emphasizing the importance of stricter regulations and background checks to prevent firearms from ending up in the hands of individuals who may pose a threat to others. The community rallied behind the Murenas and expressed support for stricter gun control measures to prevent such incidents from happening again. Lisa praised the ASPCA for their support and assistance during Arya’s medical treatment, acknowledging their efforts in helping with the veterinarian bills. The loss of Arya deeply impacted the family, who had adopted her in 2020 when she was 2 years old.

As the investigation into Arya’s shooting continues, Joshua Marte is set to appear in Queens Supreme Criminal Court on May 10. His lawyer, Joseph Nohavicka, did not provide a response to requests for comment. The tragic death of Arya has sparked conversations about gun violence, responsible gun ownership, and the need for stronger regulations to prevent similar incidents. The community has come together to mourn the loss of Arya and to advocate for changes that will protect animals and individuals from harm caused by reckless actions. The memory of Arya, a beloved family pet, lives on as her story brings attention to the importance of promoting safety and well-being in communities.

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