In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, Kristina Rudzinskaya, a certified Pilates instructor, and founder of Etalon, a posture bra brand, shared with Fox News Digital the best poses to reduce stress. Rudzinskaya emphasizes the importance of good posture in relieving stress, as proper body alignment during Pilates practice can activate deep stabilizing muscles, release tension, and improve circulation. She recommends trying simple poses at home for stress relief, including Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow Pose, Side Plank, Superman Pose, and Chest Stretch.

Child’s Pose is a classic yoga posture that stretches and lengthens the spine, glutes, and hamstrings, making it a great position for meditation. This pose allows the body to relax while stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to alleviate stress. The Cat-Cow Pose engages the core muscles, stabilizing the spine and improving posture. When paired with synchronized breathing, this pose has a calming effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation.

The Side Plank pose helps strengthen core muscles, aligning muscles along the sides and glutes to provide a solid foundation for back support and improved posture. By practicing mindful breathing while in this pose, stress release and relaxation can be achieved, symbolizing stability and steadiness. The Superman Pose involves lying flat on the floor with arms above the head and lifting arms and legs simultaneously, strengthening spinal muscles for better alignment and posture. Holding this pose builds back strength, promoting an extended body position that enhances feelings of confidence and self-esteem.

For those who sit a lot during the day, Rudzinskaya recommends a Chest Stretch pose to counteract hunched posture and encourage a more open stance. This stretch helps relieve upper body tension caused by desk work or screen time, promoting relaxation through deeper breaths and an expanded chest. Overall, Rudzinskaya’s Pilates poses focus on proper body alignment and deep breathing to release tension, improve posture, and promote relaxation. By incorporating these poses into your daily routine, you can reduce stress and improve your overall mental well-being.

In conclusion, Kristina Rudzinskaya offers simple yet effective Pilates poses that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation during Mental Health Awareness Month, or any time of the year. Good posture and proper body alignment play a crucial role in relieving stress, activating deep stabilizing muscles, releasing tension, and improving circulation. By practicing poses such as Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow Pose, Side Plank, Superman Pose, and Chest Stretch, individuals can strengthen core muscles, align the body, and improve overall posture while fostering feelings of confidence and self-esteem. Incorporating these poses into your daily routine can lead to improved mental well-being and reduced stress levels.

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