Kary Oberbrunner, CEO of Igniting Souls, helps businesses publish, protect, and promote their intellectual property (IP) and turn it into 18 streams of income. A company’s most valuable asset is its IP, and it’s essential to safeguard it from theft. Smart contracts and blockchain technology have made it easier and more cost-effective to protect IP.

There are various ways to monetize IP, beyond lawsuits and infringement events. Businesses can leverage their IP to earn more influence, impact, and income. Some strategies include creating different formats of books, offering training, workshops, and courses, providing coaching and consulting services, hosting events such as seminars and webinars, creating content like podcasts and blogs, collaborating with affiliates and partners, and launching new products and services.

Monetization strategies for IP include providing access to your IP for a fee, leasing it to others, franchising your unique processes or designs, selling your IP assets or licensing them for royalties, securitizing and selling shares related to your IP, using IP to raise capital, enhancing the value of business exits, attracting investors, and using IP as collateral for financing. Legal and financial strategies for monetizing IP include lawsuits for unauthorized usage, donating IP to gain tax benefits, and leveraging IP for loans or financing.

It is essential for businesses to take their IP seriously and protect it to maximize its value and potential for generating income. Once you protect and promote your IP, others will also recognize its value. By valuing and safeguarding your ideas, you can create various income streams and opportunities for growth and success. Kary Oberbrunner’s expertise in IP management and monetization can help businesses unlock the true potential of their intellectual property.

Forbes Business Council is a leading organization for business owners and leaders focused on growth and networking opportunities. Businesses interested in joining the Forbes Business Council can explore the qualifications and benefits of membership. By leveraging resources and expertise from organizations like the Forbes Business Council, businesses can enhance their strategies for managing and monetizing their intellectual property for long-term success.

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