According to a statement from the Antalya Governorship, the Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Smuggling and Organized Crime Department and Döşemealtı District Gendarmerie Command teams conducted an operation to prevent the crime of “violating Law No. 5607 on Combating Smuggling” under the coordination of the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office.

As part of this operation, a raid was carried out on a warehouse in Döşemealtı district where counterfeit alcohol production was detected. During the operation, 3 tons of ethyl alcohol were seized and one person was taken into custody.

The suspect who was taken into custody is now facing legal proceedings for their involvement in the illegal production of counterfeit alcohol. The operation was part of ongoing efforts to crack down on smuggling and organized crime in the region.

The seizure of such a large quantity of ethyl alcohol highlights the serious nature of the issue of counterfeit alcohol production and smuggling in the area. Authorities are working diligently to prevent such illegal activities and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

The successful operation was a result of close coordination between law enforcement agencies and the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. Such collaborative efforts are crucial in the fight against organized crime and smuggling activities that pose a threat to public safety and security.

Citizens are urged to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities related to smuggling or organized crime to the authorities. By working together, law enforcement and the community can effectively combat such illegal activities and keep the region safe for all residents.

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