Physical therapy and rehabilitation are essential treatments for individuals experiencing injuries, illnesses, or disabilities. Inpatient physical rehabilitation centers offer programs that involve multidisciplinary teams working together to create individual treatment plans for patients. With over 1,000 inpatient physical rehabilitation centers in the United States, patients have a wide range of choices based on insurance, location, doctor recommendations, and other factors. Newsweek and Statista are partnering to rank America’s Best Physical Rehabilitation Centers in 2024, recognizing leading facilities across the country.

Last year, Newsweek selected 280 inpatient facilities based on an online survey of experts, with at least one center from every state making the list for the first time. Experts were able to recommend standout programs in areas such as amputation, brain injury, cancer, spinal cord injury, or stroke for the recommended facilities. Physical rehabilitation professionals are encouraged to take part in the survey to provide valuable input and feedback on top facilities in the industry. The survey is open for participation until Thursday, May 19, 2024.

Newsweek’s commitment to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground extends to its partnership with Statista on ranking America’s Best Physical Rehabilitation Centers in 2024. These rankings aim to highlight the top facilities that are dedicated to improving and maintaining physical abilities, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for patients. By recognizing leading inpatient physical rehabilitation centers, Newsweek and Statista are shedding light on the important role these facilities play in the healthcare system.

Healthcare professionals in the physical rehabilitation industry work closely with patients to develop individual treatment plans that address their specific needs and goals. Inpatient physical rehabilitation centers typically involve a team of physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, nurses, caregivers, and physicians who collaborate to provide comprehensive care. Patients have a range of factors to consider when choosing a physical rehabilitation center, including insurance coverage, location, and doctor recommendations, but they now have more options available in the American healthcare system.

The survey conducted by Newsweek and Statista allows experts in the physical rehabilitation industry to identify standout programs and recommend top facilities in areas such as amputation, brain injury, cancer, spinal cord injury, or stroke. By gathering feedback from professionals in the field, the rankings of America’s Best Physical Rehabilitation Centers in 2024 aim to showcase facilities that excel in providing high-quality care and innovative treatment options. Newsweek continues to challenge conventional wisdom and find connections in the healthcare industry to promote better outcomes for patients undergoing physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation play a crucial role in helping patients recover from injuries, illnesses, or disabilities and improve their physical abilities. Inpatient physical rehabilitation centers offer comprehensive programs with multidisciplinary teams dedicated to creating personalized treatment plans for each patient. Newsweek and Statista’s partnership in ranking America’s Best Physical Rehabilitation Centers in 2024 highlights the top facilities across the country that are committed to enhancing the quality of life for patients through innovative and effective rehabilitation programs.

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