As organizations navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, it can be easy to focus solely on the latest trends and big-picture questions, such as artificial intelligence. However, a group of 20 members from the prestigious Forbes Technology Council highlight the importance of not overlooking both tested and emerging tech tools that offer real value. From versioned documents to collaborative ideation tools, each of these strategies can provide a significant return on investment in terms of time savings, enhanced productivity, cybersecurity, customer reach, and more.

Versioned documents, for example, allow for the seamless management of multiple versions of a document without the confusion of file names like “Important_Doc_2024_Rev2_Final_Updated.docx.” Collaborative ideation tools such as whiteboards and design platforms can greatly enhance productivity and teamwork beyond traditional methods of communication. By utilizing these often overlooked tools, businesses can streamline workflows and improve overall efficiency, ultimately leading to a competitive edge in the market.

In addition to traditional tools and strategies, businesses should also pay attention to their websites, speech-to-text capabilities, application security, and enterprise application auditors. These resources can provide valuable insights into customer interactions, data protection, and software utilization, ultimately leading to improved customer experiences, reduced security risks, and cost savings. Utilizing open-source software, offensive security controls, edge computing, Google Analytics, and CX tracking can further enhance a company’s operational efficiency and competitive advantage.

Outsourcing non-core functions, leveraging low-code development platforms, utilizing geospatial analytics, implementing zero trust security frameworks, and integrating application code dependency scanners are among the other often overlooked tech tools and strategies that can offer immense benefits. Platforms engineering, data management software, and digital twins are additional resources that can provide real-world applicability with tangible benefits for businesses across various industries. By leveraging these often overlooked tech tools and strategies, organizations can maximize their technology investments, increase productivity, reduce risks, and improve overall business outcomes.

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