Richard Dalton, Princess Diana’s longtime hairdresser, revealed that Prince William had a special love for haircuts as a child. He shared that William was always eager to have his hair trimmed because it allowed him a special privilege. During a panel discussion, Richard explained that William would put a chair on a coffee table in anticipation of a haircut because it meant he could watch “extra television” while getting his hair done. This unique quirk made haircut sessions with the young prince a joy for the hairdresser.

Richard’s connection with Princess Diana extended beyond just cutting her sons’ hair. He had a close friendship with Diana and worked alongside her for many years. He described his daily interactions with the princess, including frequent tiara appointments and light-hearted moments. Richard is set to publish a book detailing his experiences with Diana titled “It’s All About the Hair — My Decade with Diana.” At a panel discussion with Diana’s wedding dress designer, Elizabeth Emanuel, Richard shared more anecdotes about his time with the royal family.

William’s love for haircuts as a child was a testament to his affable nature and easy-going personality. Richard reminisced about cutting both William and Harry’s hair until 1991 when William was nine and Harry was seven. While Richard was known for his work with the royal family, he fondly recalled his friendship with Diana and the many light-hearted moments they shared. He also highlighted Diana’s passion for soap operas and elaborate fashion choices that mimicked her favorite shows.

In addition to discussing William’s childhood haircuts, the panel shed light on Diana’s personality and interests. Richard revealed Diana’s love for soap operas, particularly the show “Dynasty.” The princess was known to be a fashion enthusiast and often emulated the styles seen on her favorite TV shows. Richard described Diana as “extremely special” and remarked that she was even more beautiful in person than in pictures. The panel provided a glimpse into the royal family’s personal lives and shared intimate details about their relationships with each other.

The anecdotes shared by Richard Dalton painted a picture of a young Prince William who enjoyed simple pleasures like getting his hair cut. While haircuts may seem like mundane tasks, they became special moments for William due to the extra privilege of watching TV during the process. Richard’s stories also highlighted the close bond he shared with Princess Diana and the royal family. The panel discussion offered a unique perspective on the royal family’s personal lives and showcased their playful and relatable sides. Richard’s upcoming book promises to provide more insights into his time with Diana and the royal family.

Overall, Richard Dalton’s revelations about Prince William’s childhood love for haircuts and Princess Diana’s quirky habits provided a glimpse into the private lives of the royal family. The stories shared at the panel discussion showcased the warmth, humor, and personalities of William, Diana, and the rest of the royal family. Richard’s experiences as a hairdresser to the royals underscored the special relationships he formed with them over the years. His upcoming book is expected to delve deeper into his time with Princess Diana and offer more intriguing insights into the glamorous world of the British monarchy.

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