Eric Ciotti resigned from the headquarters of the Les Républicains party in Paris on June 13, 2024. Two days after the party’s first political bureau excluded him, and after a second meeting on Friday morning, which also decided to exclude him, a judge from the Paris judicial court, following a motion filed by Eric Ciotti, ordered that the effects of the decisions to exclude him be suspended. Ciotti declared himself the President of Les Républicains, stating that the decision to maintain his position was a legal necessity, criticizing the exclusions as amateurish and illegitimate attempts to seize power.

The temporary victory for Ciotti may be short-lived as the suspension of his exclusion was granted by a judge handling emergency measures. The decision only stands until a final ruling is made, with the judge emphasizing that the deeper conflict between the parties requires a judgment based on the will of the parties and the association’s statutes, a task meant for a substantive judge. The judge clarified that the interim ruling did not involve interference in the governance of Les Républicains, emphasizing that a substantive court must be approached within eight days for a final decision on Ciotti’s exclusion.

During the hearing on Friday morning, heated exchanges took place between the parties, both claiming allegiance to Les Républicains. After the intervention of the bar president, both sides were allowed to present their arguments, with opposing interpretations of the party’s statutes. Ciotti’s lawyer argued that the party president did not request his own exclusion, as stipulated in the statutes, while the party’s lawyer representing the political bureau accused Ciotti of a serious breach for forming an alliance with the Rassemblement national without consultation, going against the role of the president as an implementer of the bureau’s decisions.

The underlying conflict leading to Ciotti’s exclusion revolves around his decision to form an alliance with the Rassemblement national ahead of the legislative elections, in contradiction with the Les Républicains’ guidelines. The intensifying feud within the party has prompted legal intervention to resolve the dispute, with the substantive court expected to make a final determination on Ciotti’s status within the party. The ongoing legal battle reflects a broader struggle for power and control within Les Républicains, highlighting the tensions between different factions and leadership figures vying for dominance within the party ranks.

The judicial intervention in the Les Républicains party’s internal affairs underscores the complexity of the political landscape and the legal challenges faced by parties in managing internal disputes. The outcome of Ciotti’s legal battle will have implications for the party’s future direction and leadership, as well as for the broader political landscape in France. The conflicting interpretations of party statutes and the role of the president in decision-making highlight the underlying power struggles and divisions within Les Républicains, signaling a pivotal moment for the party’s identity and direction in the evolving political environment.

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