The Biden administration has released a new directive that will allow roughly 100,000 immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to enroll in the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance next year. This move, although falling short of President Biden’s initial proposal to allow these migrants to sign up for Medicaid, will allow them to access tax breaks when they sign up for coverage. It is expected to open up the marketplace to participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, many of whom are Latino. While this may help boost the president’s appeal among Latinos, it is also likely to prompt criticism from conservatives regarding border and migrant policies.

Xavier Becerra, the nation’s top health official, stated that many migrants have delayed getting care due to lack of coverage, incurring higher costs and debts when they do finally receive care. Making Dreamers eligible to enroll in coverage will improve their health and well-being and strengthen the health and well-being of the nation and the economy. The administration’s action changes the definition of “lawfully present” so that DACA participants can legally enroll in the marketplace exchange. DACA was initiated by President Obama to protect immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children from deportation and allow them to work legally but did not make them eligible for government-subsidized health insurance programs due to not meeting the definition of having a “lawful presence” in the U.S.

The administration decided not to expand eligibility for Medicaid for these migrants after receiving over 20,000 comments on the proposal and did not explain why the rule took so long to finalize. The delay meant that the migrants were unable to enroll in the marketplace for coverage this year. While over 800,000 of the migrants will be eligible to enroll in marketplace coverage, the administration predicts that only 100,000 will actually sign up as some may have coverage through their workplace or other means, or may not be able to afford coverage through the marketplace. Other classes of immigrants, such as asylum seekers and those with temporary protected status, are already eligible to purchase insurance through the marketplaces of the ACA, often referred to as “Obamacare.” DACA itself is currently being challenged in federal court by Republican-led states.

Overall, the new directive by the Biden administration is aimed at allowing immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to access health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace. While this move may boost the president’s appeal among Latino voters, it is also likely to face criticism from conservatives regarding border and migrant policies. By changing the definition of “lawfully present,” DACA participants will now be able to legally enroll in the marketplace exchange, improving their access to care and potentially reducing their healthcare costs. Despite the delay in finalizing the rule, the administration hopes that this action will lead to better health outcomes for these vulnerable populations.

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