A tragic explosion in a residential building in the Belgian city of Hoboken has claimed the lives of four people, including two Spanish citizens – a 42-year-old woman and her 10-year-old daughter. The mother and daughter were residents of the autonomous city of Ceuta, and both were highly regarded within the community. The President of Ceuta, Juan Jesús Vivas, expressed his condolences to the family and friends of the victims. The girl suffered from Down syndrome, and the local Down Syndrome Association mourned their loss, describing them as cherished members of the community.

The explosion, which occurred on Thursday, caused significant damage to the top floor of the building, leading to a search and rescue operation by firefighters to locate any potential victims. Following the discovery of three bodies on Thursday, a fourth victim was found the next morning, with efforts ongoing to locate a missing neighbor who has not been heard from since the incident. In addition to the fatalities, there are three individuals in critical condition and three others with minor injuries as a result of the blast.

Authorities are still investigating the causes of the explosion, with a gas leak being one of the possible explanations under consideration. The incident has saddened the local community and highlighted the importance of safety measures in residential buildings to prevent such tragedies from occurring. The search for the missing neighbor continues as the affected residents come to terms with the loss of their neighbors and friends.

The tragic deaths of the mother and daughter from Ceuta have touched the hearts of many, prompting an outpouring of support and sympathy from the community. Their presence will be deeply missed, particularly within the Down Syndrome Association, where they were beloved members cherished by both staff and fellow members. The incident serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with loved ones.

The immediate aftermath of the explosion has left the community in a state of shock and mourning, with authorities working tirelessly to investigate the causes of the incident and ensure the safety of residents in the surrounding area. The search and rescue efforts are ongoing, with hopes of finding the missing neighbor and bringing closure to the families affected by the tragedy. The support and solidarity shown by the community in the face of this tragedy are a testament to the resilience and compassion of the human spirit.

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