A car travelling on the Çayırova Connection Road D-100 highway lost control and hit a barrier before overturning. The driver of the car has not been identified yet. After the incident, emergency services including health, fire, and police teams were sent to the scene.

Health teams transported the seriously injured H.K. to a nearby private hospital, while Ö.B and S.A, who were thrown from the car due to the impact of the collision, were pronounced dead at the scene. H.K. also tragically lost his life in the hospital where he was being treated.

Following the investigation at the scene, the bodies of Ö.B and S.A were taken to the Gebze Forensic Medicine Morgue. Additionally, traffic on the D-100 highway was briefly controlled due to the accident, but returned to normal after the vehicle was towed away and the road was cleared.

The exact cause of the accident is still under investigation by the authorities. The tragic incident serves as a reminder for drivers to always adhere to traffic laws and take caution while on the road to prevent such accidents from occurring in the future.

The families of Ö.B and S.A are left mourning their loss, while the community is reminded of the importance of road safety measures. The local authorities urge drivers to prioritize safety and avoid reckless driving in order to prevent further tragedies from happening on the roads.

As the investigation into the accident continues, it is important for all road users to be vigilant and cautious while driving to ensure the safety of themselves and others on the road. The community comes together in mourning the loss of Ö.B and S.A, and hopes for a safer future for all drivers and pedestrians alike.

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