During the press conference concluding the Peace Conference held in Lucerne, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that several countries have expressed interest in hosting the second peace summit, and talks have already begun with them. Zelensky emphasized the importance of Ukraine’s territorial integrity for lasting peace, stating that peace cannot be achieved without it. He expressed confidence in achieving the goals outlined in the joint declaration signed by 84 out of 96 participating delegations.

Swiss President Viola Amherd highlighted the shift in focus from talks of war, weapons supplies, and military support to discussions about peace during the high-level meeting with numerous countries and organizations. She emphasized the significance of the vast majority of countries agreeing on the joint statement at Buergenstock, showcasing the possibilities of diplomacy through patient work. The commitment to peace demonstrated at the summit reflects what can be achieved through diplomatic efforts.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen responded to a recent proposal for an agreement put forth by Vladimir Putin, stating that no country would accept such shameful terms. She emphasized the importance of determination in pursuing genuine peace, ultimately leaving the decision on the terms of a fair peace to Ukraine. Von der Leyen urged Russia to listen to the voice of the international community in moving towards a peaceful resolution.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric emphasized that the principles upheld at the summit transcend political affiliations and geographical boundaries. He stressed the importance of respecting international law and human rights as the guiding principles for coexisting peacefully. Boric highlighted the need to protect children in conflict zones, whether in Ukraine, Gaza, or any other part of the world, emphasizing the universal importance of safeguarding the most vulnerable.

Overall, the Peace Conference in Lucerne marked a significant milestone in the global efforts towards peace. The commitment shown by the participating countries and organizations to pursuing diplomatic solutions and upholding fundamental principles of international law and human rights bodes well for future peace negotiations. The focus on Ukraine’s territorial integrity as a core component of lasting peace underscores the complexities of the situation and the importance of addressing underlying issues for sustainable peace in the region. With ongoing discussions and engagements, there is hope for progress towards a just and lasting peace agreement.

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