The Wagatha Christie case, involving Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy, is heading back to court for a specialist judge to rule on how much Vardy must pay Rooney. The case started in 2019 when Rooney accused Vardy of leaking stories from her private Instagram to the press. Vardy denied the accusations and launched libel proceedings against Rooney. But in 2022, the court ruled in favor of Rooney, with Vardy admitting her PR agent could have leaked the stories. One of the key moments in the case was when Vardy’s PR agent withdrew her evidence before the trial, citing health concerns. The judge found it likely that the agent had passed information to the press.

The judge ruled that Vardy should pay 90% of Rooney’s legal costs, amounting to over £2 million, with a deadline set in November 2022. However, the case is going back to court for another hearing on the final costs. A specialist judge will assess the costs and expenses of the case and determine the amount Vardy owes Rooney. The judge also has the power to reduce the costs if necessary. The hearing is scheduled before Senior Costs Judge Andrew Gordon-Saker in London. The case has been ongoing since the initial fallout between Rooney and Vardy in 2019, known as the ‘Wagatha Christie’ feud, when Rooney revealed her detective work to expose the source of the leaks.

The case has had many dramatic moments, including the revelation that Vardy’s PR agent’s phone fell into the sea, allegedly deleting incriminating texts regarding the case. The judge cited this incident as suspicious and suggested that Vardy may have deliberately deleted evidence. The legal battle between the two WAGs has been costly, with millions spent on legal fees and court proceedings. The ruling in favor of Rooney marked a significant victory in the case, but the final costs are yet to be determined. The upcoming hearing will be crucial in finalizing the financial aspect of the case and resolving the long-running feud between Rooney and Vardy.

The ‘Wagatha Christie’ case has captured public attention since its inception, with fans following the twists and turns of the legal battle. The feud between Rooney and Vardy has been dubbed as one of the most high-profile celebrity disputes of recent years. The case has highlighted the complexities of privacy, social media, and the legal system in the digital age. The outcome of the case will have far-reaching implications for both parties involved and may set a precedent for similar disputes in the future. As the case heads back to court for the final cost ruling, it remains to be seen how the legal saga between Rooney and Vardy will conclude.

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