Edirne Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Public Order Teams and Intelligence Branch Directorate continue their efforts to capture wanted individuals. As part of their research and monitoring activities, 17 open files related to making terrorist propaganda have been identified. It was determined that a suspect, who has 17 open files of making terrorist propaganda and was banned from leaving the country, was located in Köseömer village in the district of Havsa. The suspect, who was preparing to escape to Greece through illegal means, was arrested in the village.

The suspect was taken to the courthouse and was subsequently arrested by the judge. This incident highlights the continued efforts of authorities to combat terrorism and illegal activities in the region. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of constant monitoring and surveillance in order to prevent criminal activities.

The arrest of the suspect in Köseömer village sends a strong message to individuals involved in terrorist propaganda activities and those attempting to flee the country illegally. The authorities are actively monitoring and taking action against individuals who engage in such activities, demonstrating their commitment to maintaining peace and security in the region.

The identification and capture of the suspect in Köseömer village also underscores the importance of cooperation between different law enforcement agencies and intelligence units in combating criminal activities. By working together and sharing information effectively, authorities can increase their chances of capturing suspects and preventing illegal activities.

The successful arrest of the suspect in Havsa district serves as a warning to others who may be involved in similar criminal activities. It shows that the authorities are vigilant and committed to upholding the law and ensuring the safety of the community. By taking swift action against individuals involved in illegal activities, the authorities are sending a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

Overall, the efforts of the Edirne Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Public Order Teams and Intelligence Branch Directorate highlight the importance of proactive measures in preventing criminal activities and maintaining public safety. Through continued monitoring, research, and collaboration, authorities are able to identify and apprehend individuals engaged in illegal activities, ultimately contributing to a safer and more secure environment for all residents.

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