The US House has passed legislation known as FIT21, which aims to establish a new legal structure for digital currency regulation. The bill would grant expanded freedoms to the crypto industry and shift regulatory oversight to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) instead of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This move is significant considering the Biden administration’s crackdown on the crypto industry under the SEC’s purview. The bill now requires Senate approval and the President’s signature to become law, raising uncertainty about its future.

The passage of the FIT21 Act potentially puts President Joe Biden in a challenging position as he must decide whether to go against his own SEC chairman and veto the bill. Critics argue that the legislation does not do enough to protect consumers involved in certain crypto transactions and could create new regulatory gaps. SEC Chair Gary Gensler voiced opposition to the bill, stating that it could undermine decades of precedent regarding investment contract oversight and potentially endanger investors and capital markets.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, who supported the FIT21 Act, believes that the legislation will pave the way for American digital asset innovation and provide entrepreneurs with the clarity and assurance needed to build in the US. Emmer sees the bill as essential for shaping the future global digital economy, improving national security, consumer protection, and global competitiveness. The legislation aims to unlock new opportunities for the crypto industry while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

The FIT21 Act would classify most digital assets as commodities rather than securities, effectively transferring regulatory control to the CFTC. This shift in oversight is intended to provide a more favorable environment for crypto operators and promote innovation in the industry. The legislation’s passage in the House marks a significant step towards reshaping the regulatory landscape for digital currencies in the US. However, the bill still faces challenges in the Senate and potential opposition from the White House, which has expressed concerns about consumer protection in certain crypto transactions.

The bipartisan support for the FIT21 Act in the House reflects a growing consensus on the need for updated regulations to address the evolving crypto landscape. Proponents argue that the legislation will provide clarity and certainty for entrepreneurs and investors in the digital asset industry. The bill’s focus on national security, consumer protection, and global competitiveness underscores the importance of establishing a regulatory framework that balances innovation with regulatory oversight. As the bill progresses through the legislative process, its impact on the future of the crypto industry in the US remains uncertain.

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