The iconic radio call of the ‘Matteau, Matteau, Matteau!’ goal, which sent the Rangers to the Stanley Cup Final in 1994, brings broadcaster Howie Rose and player Stephane Matteau together forever, even though they didn’t know each other before the call. The monumental moment not only shaped both of their careers but also symbolizes the last true glory days for the Rangers, a legacy current teams are chasing as they compete in the playoffs. The call is a constant reminder of that historic moment, playing on a continuous loop, except for Devils fans who might not appreciate it as much.

Rose and Matteau, along with other former players, gathered for a panel discussion to raise funds for the Stephane Matteau Foundation and the Mount Sinai Hospital’s Department of Urology, to which Matteau has a strong connection. The goal, scored in a moment of uncertainty as to whether it was Matteau or his teammate Esa Tikkanen who put the puck in the net, changed Matteau’s life by opening doors he never imagined through his involvement in the Rangers’ alumni programs. He is grateful for the impact of that goal on his life and cherishes the memories associated with it.

The historic call by Rose and the goal by Matteau are two entities forever intertwined, with Rose feeling the euphoria and chills every time he hears the call, reflecting on the moment that shaped his career. Matteau considers himself lucky for scoring that goal, as it led to many positive outcomes in his life, and he doesn’t take it for granted. The uncertainty surrounding the goal, with Tikkanen nearly touching the puck before it crossed the goal line, created a tense moment for both Rose and Matteau, but ultimately, it was a stroke of luck and keen vision on Rose’s part that the goal was attributed to Matteau.

Matteau’s and Rose’s lives continue to be connected through that moment, with Matteau acknowledging the impact it had on his post-playing career opportunities and Rose reflecting on the broadcast challenges he faced during the goal. From the broadcast position above the “Willis Reed tunnel” at Madison Square Garden, Rose’s focus on the puck was unwavering, until the moment of realization that Tikkanen might have scored the goal instead. However, upon review, it was confirmed that Matteau was, indeed, the goal scorer, solidifying their bond. Despite the uncertainty and tension surrounding the goal, Matteau and Rose will forever be linked by that one historic moment, where fate brought them together in a way they never imagined.

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