The Beer Bash event on June 7, 2024, brought together beer enthusiasts and fans of Boston Beer Company to sample the offerings of the six finalists for the Samuel Adams Brewing & Business Experienceship. This competition is part of Samuel Adams’ larger philanthropic program called Brewing The American Dream. The Experienceship offers craft breweries the opportunity to receive mentorship from Samuel Adams professionals, including founder Jim Koch, at the Boston Brewery. Crowns & Hops Brewing Co. was announced as the winner on June 13, 2024, making them the recipient of this prestigious mentorship opportunity.

Crowns & Hops Brewing Co., founded in 2016, is a black-owned, female-owned, and veteran-owned brewery based in Inglewood, California. The brewery is known not only for their great beer but also for their commitment to advancing discussions on race, culture, and identity. Co-founder Beny Ashburn expressed gratitude for winning the Experienceship competition, emphasizing that their success is not defined by their race but rather by their dedication to craft beer and expanding access. Crowns & Hops sees this win as a validation of their hard work over the past eight years in building a beer brand driven by culture, community, innovation, and purpose.

Ashburn highlighted the importance of continuous learning and growth, citing Jim Koch’s advice on the essential elements of success for businesses. By participating in the Brewing The American Dream program, Crowns & Hops hopes to gain deeper insights into business strategies, marketing innovations, and scaling operations sustainably. Koch, the founder of Boston Beer Company, left his consulting job to pursue his dream of starting a brewery in 1984. He has remained humble throughout his journey, sharing stories of his grassroots efforts to sell his microbrewed beer at a time when craft beer was not well-known.

Koch expressed his enthusiasm for supporting entrepreneurs through initiatives like the Brewing & Business Experienceship, stating that they represent the true American dream. The program is a core component of the Samuel Adams Brewing The American Dream initiative, which has provided significant financial support to American food and beverage companies, coached numerous entrepreneurs, and contributed to the creation of thousands of jobs. Koch’s dedication to nurturing entrepreneurial talent and giving back to the community reflects his commitment to fostering a thriving craft beer industry that uplifts individuals and communities alike.

The Samuel Adams Brewing & Business Experienceship is an annual competition that aims to empower craft breweries with mentorship opportunities from industry experts. By leveraging the knowledge and experience of professionals like Jim Koch, participating breweries can enhance their business strategies and operations. Crowns & Hops’ victory in the competition not only recognizes their brewing excellence but also validates their mission to promote diversity and inclusivity in the craft beer industry. Moving forward, the brewery looks forward to benefiting from the mentorship offered through the Experienceship and continuing to make a positive impact on the brewing community.

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