Ilaria Salis, an Italian anti-fascist activist, has been released from a maximum-security prison in Budapest after over 15 months in detention. She is now under house arrest in the Hungarian capital, monitored by an electronic bracelet. Salis’ release follows a Hungarian court’s decision to uphold her appeal against pre-trial detention, with a bail payment of €40,000. She was arrested in February 2023 on charges of participating in the beating of three far-right militants and being part of a criminal association. Salis’ lawyers are hopeful for her immediate transfer to Italy, as required by European law.

Salis’ father, Roberto Salis, expressed relief at finally being able to hug his daughter again and hopes that her placement under house arrest is temporary before she can return to Italy. The release of the Italian activist came after months of diplomatic tensions and protests against Hungary over her detention. Salis’ nomination by the Left Green Alliance for the upcoming European elections in June has potentially opened up the opportunity for her release if she is elected. The activist’s case took a turn following this nomination, with the possibility of her securing freedom through political means.

The ongoing legal battle for Salis’ freedom will continue, with another hearing scheduled for Friday in Budapest. The activist could be released if elected in the European elections, providing a ray of hope for her supporters. Salis’ lawyers are optimistic about securing her immediate transfer to Italy, but the process may still face challenges. The release of the Italian anti-fascist activist has raised questions about the judicial system in Hungary and the treatment of political prisoners in the country.

Salis’ arrest and detention have sparked international concern and support for her cause, with many advocating for her release. The Italian activist has been at the center of a high-profile case that has drawn attention to the issue of political repression in Hungary. Her nomination for the European elections has brought renewed focus on her situation and the potential for her to secure her freedom through political means. Salis’ case highlights the importance of standing up against political oppression and injustice, as activists continue to fight for her release and justice.

The Italian government’s response to Salis’ case and the issue of political prisoners in Hungary will be crucial in determining her future. The pressure on authorities to secure her immediate transfer to Italy is mounting, with concerns about her well-being and safety while under house arrest in Hungary. The outcome of the upcoming hearing in Budapest will be significant in determining the next steps in Salis’ legal battle. The support for the Italian anti-fascist activist continues to grow, with calls for justice and freedom for those who stand up against oppression and injustice.

Overall, Ilaria Salis’ release from a maximum-security prison in Budapest and placement under house arrest mark a significant development in her case. The support for the Italian activist and the attention on her situation have brought hope for her freedom, particularly through political means. The ongoing legal battle and upcoming hearing in Budapest will be critical in determining Salis’ future, as she continues to fight for justice and freedom. The international community’s support for Salis and her cause underscores the importance of standing up against political oppression and advocating for those who face injustice.

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