In an interview with CBS News on “Face the Nation,” Rep. Mike Turner, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, expressed confidence in Speaker Mike Johnson’s ability to handle any “improper” behavior that may arise after the appointment of two controversial Trump allies to the committee. Johnson appointed Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Ronny Jackson of Texas to the committee, a move that faced backlash due to their controversial past records. Turner reiterated that the intelligence community has not identified any ongoing issues that need to be addressed, and Johnson has committed to ensuring that the rules are followed by both individuals.

While Jackson, a former White House physician, was demoted by the Navy in 2022 due to allegations of inappropriate conduct, Turner emphasized that these incidents were unrelated to the handling of classified information. Perry, a former leader of the House Freedom Caucus, faced scrutiny for having his phone seized by the FBI as part of a 2022 investigation into election overturn efforts. Turner stated that Perry has apologized for his actions, but acknowledged that his statements regarding the intelligence community were concerning for a committee focused on national security. Turner expressed optimism that both individuals can contribute productively to the committee’s work under Johnson’s leadership.

Turner highlighted the military backgrounds of Perry and Jackson, noting their previous experience with classified information without any reported mishandling incidents. He stressed the importance of upholding national security and working in a bipartisan manner within the committee. Turner acknowledged that Johnson has committed to enforcing the rules and ensuring that both Perry and Jackson adhere to them. He expressed confidence that Jackson can overcome any past issues and be a valuable member of the committee, working collaboratively with the speaker and fellow committee members to address national security concerns.

Despite the controversy surrounding Perry and Jackson’s appointments, Turner indicated that Johnson remains committed to upholding the integrity of the House Intelligence Committee. He emphasized the need for all members, including Perry and Jackson, to follow the rules and contribute positively to the committee’s work on national security and foreign policy issues. Turner concluded by stating that both individuals will be supervised closely to ensure compliance with the committee’s standards and that Johnson will intervene if any improper behavior occurs. CBS News reached out to Perry and Jackson’s offices for comment on the situation.

In summary, Rep. Mike Turner discussed the appointment of Reps. Scott Perry and Ronny Jackson to the House Intelligence Committee, addressing concerns about their controversial backgrounds. Turner expressed confidence in Speaker Mike Johnson’s leadership to handle any potential issues that may arise and ensure that both individuals adhere to the committee’s rules. Despite past controversies, Turner highlighted Perry and Jackson’s military experience and lack of reported mishandling of classified information. He stressed the importance of upholding national security and working collaboratively within the committee to address critical issues. Turner indicated that Johnson will enforce the rules and intervene if any improper behavior occurs, emphasizing the need for all members to contribute positively to the committee’s work.

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