Representative Rashida Tlaib, a member of the “Squad,” criticized President Biden’s handling of the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza during an event in Detroit. The event, called the People’s Conference for Palestine, included speakers with ties to designated terrorist organizations and was funded by an asset of the Chinese Communist Party. Tlaib accused Biden of being an “enabler” of genocide and doing the bidding of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom she referred to as a “murderous war criminal.” She questioned Biden’s stance on international law and called out his lack of action in holding other world leaders accountable.

The People’s Forum, the organization behind the conference, is part of the “Singham Network,” a global web of nonprofits, fiscal sponsors, and alternative news sources linked to tech mogul Neville Roy Singham. Singham, based in Shanghai, has been described as a conduit for CCP geopolitical influence. The People’s Forum has been involved in organizing anti-Israel protests since the recent conflict began, including protests against Israeli attacks and occupation. Tlaib’s speech at the conference focused on criticizing Biden and other Democratic colleagues for condemning anti-Israel campus protesters who disrupted operations in protest.

Tlaib’s statements at the People’s Conference for Palestine have sparked backlash from some politicians, including Representative Mike Lawler of New York, who called for her removal from Congress. Lawler cited Tlaib’s association with groups funded by designated terrorist organizations as disqualifying behavior for a member of Congress. Tlaib’s comments have also drawn attention for their critical stance against the Biden administration and Democratic colleagues who have condemned anti-Israel protests. Tlaib emphasized the importance of standing up for lives regardless of faith or ethnicity.

Despite the controversy surrounding her comments, Tlaib has yet to issue a response to the backlash. Fox News Digital reached out to Tlaib’s office for comment, but did not receive a response before publication. Tlaib’s criticism of Biden’s handling of the conflict in Gaza and her support for anti-Israel protesters have reignited debates over U.S. foreign policy, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the role of political leaders in addressing international disputes. Tlaib’s association with organizations tied to designated terrorist groups and her calls for accountability from the Biden administration have raised concerns among some lawmakers and constituents.

The People’s Forum, the organization behind the People’s Conference for Palestine, has been active in organizing anti-Israel protests and promoting awareness of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. The Singham Network, with which the People’s Forum is associated, has links to Neville Roy Singham, a tech mogul with ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Tlaib’s accusations against Biden and Netanyahu have resonated with some supporters who believe that the U.S. should hold world leaders accountable for war crimes and human rights violations. Tlaib’s speech at the conference represents a larger conversation about U.S. policy in the Middle East and the role of elected officials in addressing global conflicts.

The controversy surrounding Tlaib’s statements highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding U.S. support for Israel and the Palestinian cause. Tlaib’s criticism of the Biden administration and her Democratic colleagues reflects a broader debate within the party over foreign policy and U.S. intervention in international conflicts. Tlaib’s association with groups tied to designated terrorist organizations has led some lawmakers to call for her removal from Congress, while others have expressed support for her stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The People’s Conference for Palestine and the People’s Forum have become focal points in discussions about U.S. relations with Israel, China, and other countries involved in the conflict.

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