Utah Senate candidate Mayor Trent Staggs has received endorsements from Sen. Rand Paul and former President Donald Trump in his bid to replace retiring GOP Sen. Mitt Romney. Staggs, who gained attention in 2020 for his opposition to mask mandates during the pandemic, has been praised as a Republican who will stand against reckless spending and endless war while defending the Constitution. Describing Paul as a constant champion of conservative principles, Staggs is committed to fighting big government and pursuing an America First agenda in the Senate.

Staggs announced his candidacy prior to Romney’s announcement that he would not seek a second term in the Senate. The mayor expressed concern for the country his children will inherit and emphasized the need for more voices willing to push back against government overreach. Staggs is focused on bringing change to Washington and is not seeking to make friends but to make a difference. He highlighted the importance of endorsing like-minded individuals who share his energy and determination to combat the establishment.

Trump endorsed Staggs as a committed supporter of the “Make America Great Again” movement, praising his business acumen and leadership as the Mayor of Riverton. Staggs is seen as a candidate who can create jobs, stop inflation, grow the economy, and secure the border, while also supporting the military, veterans, and protecting the Second Amendment. Trump expressed his full endorsement for Staggs, predicting that he will be a great senator who will not let his constituents down.

Staggs has garnered support from several prominent Republicans, including Sen. Tommy Tuberville, Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake, Rep. Matt Gaetz, and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. He has also received the backing of the Utah Fraternal Order of Police, highlighting his support for law enforcement. Staggs was selected as the nominee by the Utah Republican Party to replace Romney during a state convention, positioning him as a frontrunner in the primary election in June.

In the upcoming primary election, Staggs will face off against other Republican candidates like Utah House Speaker Brad Wilson, current Utah Rep. John Curtis, and businessman Jason Walton. The winner of the primary is expected to secure victory in the general election, where the GOP nominee is likely to defeat Democratic nominee Caroline Gleich and other independent or write-in candidates. Utah has not elected a Democrat to statewide office since 1996, making the Republican nominee the favored candidate for the Senate seat. Staggs’ endorsements from Paul, Trump, and other prominent figures signal strong support for his campaign.

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