The results of the Ronald Reagan Institute’s 2024 summer survey show that just under two-thirds of Americans believe the U.S. should focus more on domestic issues and withdraw from foreign affairs. However, the percentage of Americans who believe it’s important for the U.S. to be more engaged in international events is on the rise, with 54% expressing support for a more engaged U.S. foreign policy. The survey found that a majority of Americans believe U.S. involvement in international events is beneficial for both the United States and the world.

The poll indicated that over three-fourths of respondents believe U.S. leadership and engagement in international affairs are essential for boosting the economy and securing favorable trade arrangements. Additionally, a majority of Americans believe it is important for the U.S. to stand up for human rights and democracy around the world and maintain a strong military that can maintain peace and prosperity at home and abroad. The Reagan Institute’s policy director noted that the number of Americans seeking American leadership and engagement is at a five-year high, with more Americans seeking policies that reflect American leadership on the global stage.

The survey also explored Americans’ views on international conflicts such as the one between Ukraine and Russia. While 57% of Americans support sending military aid to Ukraine, some have argued that the billions of dollars spent on supporting Ukraine’s military would be better used on domestic issues. However, 75% believe it is important for Ukraine to win its conflict against Russia. Americans are also supportive of Israel, with a majority saying they support sending aid to Israel and missile defense systems to help defend against attacks.

Americans also expressed concern over Chinese military build-up and other issues related to China. Concerns include human rights violations, technology theft, China overtaking the U.S. as the world’s superpower, and the isolation of Taiwan. The survey found that there’s an increasing number of Americans who view China as an adversary and are concerned about various aspects of Chinese behavior. Additionally, a slim majority believe that the social media app TikTok, which is owned by a Chinese company closely connected to the Chinese government, should be banned in the U.S.

Overall, the survey results reflect a shift in American attitudes towards foreign affairs, with more Americans supporting a more engaged foreign policy and American leadership on the global stage. Despite concerns about domestic issues, a majority of Americans believe that U.S. involvement in international events is beneficial for both the U.S. and the world. The findings suggest that Americans support aiding allies like Ukraine and Israel, and are increasingly viewing China as a potential adversary due to concerns about various issues related to the country.

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