Karen Coffman, a widow from Pennsylvania, won a $1 million jackpot just weeks before her husband passed away from a brain tumor. She believes that divine intervention played a role in her big win, as she scratched off a state lotto ticket in April just before her husband’s death. Coffman expressed her belief that her husband, who was worried about her financial struggles after he was gone, may have had a hand in her winning the jackpot and hopes he is looking down on her with pride.

The 61-year-old retiree purchased the winning ticket for $20 at a gas station in Freeport near Pittsburgh. Upon realizing that she had won $1 million, Coffman was in disbelief until a worker verified her prize. When she informed her husband of her luck, he initially thought she was lying to him. Coffman shared that she had always told her husband that one day she would win a million dollars and he would laugh it off, but now she was able to reassure him that he didn’t need to worry about her financial future.

Prior to her $1 million win, Coffman had also won $65,000 from the same BP gas station. She recalled telling her husband that he could go ahead and go, knowing that she would be okay, after winning the jackpot. Coffman expressed her relief at being able to comfort her husband in his final days that she would be financially secure after his passing. She attributed her win to her luck and determination over the years, despite her husband’s initial skepticism about her winning the jackpot.

Looking towards the future, Coffman plans to use the lump sum from her million-dollar win to take her family on a deluxe Disney trip and potentially move to Florida to escape the cold winters. As a former worker in the senior care industry, Coffman is looking forward to enjoying time with her family and creating new memories with her winnings. The unexpected windfall has provided Coffman with a sense of security and the ability to fulfill her dreams of traveling and relocating to a warmer climate, marking a new chapter in her life.

Karen Coffman’s story serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of life and the possibility of unexpected blessings in the midst of challenges. Her win not only brought financial security but also a sense of comfort to her late husband in his final days. As she looks ahead to the future with her winnings, Coffman is grateful for the opportunity to create lasting memories with her loved ones and pursue her dreams of travel and a new beginning in a warmer climate. Her story is a testament to the power of hope, faith, and resilience in the face of adversity.

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