Paris Hilton plans to raise her children, Phoenix and London, with strict rules when it comes to cell phone and social media usage. She hopes her kids will not be interested in technology like their father and that they will lead a simpler life. Hilton, married to businessman Carter Reum, does not want her kids to have phones at a young age due to the potential negative influences online. Despite her own fame and history as a party girl, model, reality TV star, entrepreneur, DJ, and activist, Hilton intends to be a strict mom to protect her children from the negative aspects of technology.

Hilton married Reum at her late grandfather’s Bel-Air estate in November 2021 and the couple has since welcomed two children via surrogacy. Despite her success and the attention surrounding her family, Hilton prioritizes her children’s well-being. She wants her kids to feel loved, seen, and to bring positivity to the world as they grow up. Hilton worries about the addictive nature of social media and hopes her children will be able to live without constantly being on their phones. She emphasizes the importance of kids having the freedom to play outside and experience life beyond screens.

Hilton has grown into her role as a mother, acknowledging the responsibilities that come with parenting in today’s technology-driven world. She recognizes the need to shield her children from harmful online content and hopes they will prioritize real-life experiences over virtual ones. Despite her own history of being in the spotlight, Hilton wants her kids to have a simpler upbringing and not be consumed by social media. By being a strict mom, Hilton seeks to instill values of balance, positivity, and real-world connection in her children as they navigate the modern digital landscape.

As someone who has experienced the highs and lows of fame, Hilton is determined to protect her children from the negative influences that come with it. She wants Phoenix and London to grow up in a more grounded way, focusing on genuine connections and personal growth rather than online validation. By setting boundaries around cell phone usage and social media access, Hilton hopes to create a healthier upbringing for her children, allowing them to develop into well-rounded individuals with a balanced perspective on technology and its impact on their lives. Ultimately, Hilton’s goal is to raise her kids with the values of simplicity, love, and authenticity, guiding them towards a future where they can thrive without being overwhelmed by the pressures of the digital age.

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