An anti-Israel vandal targeted the Park Avenue Synagogue in New York City by writing “Palestine” underneath the biblical verse on one of the largest synagogues in Manhattan. The defacing was discovered on the outside wall and police were called to take pictures for evidence before clearing it. The NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident, but no arrests have been made, fueling concerns about rising antisemitism in the city.

City Councilmember Julie Menin expressed her disgust at the antisemitic act, emphasizing that a house of worship should be a sanctuary and defacing it is an attack on everyone. Park Avenue Synagogue has been vocal amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, with Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove even traveling to bear witness to the devastation caused by an attack. Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff also visited the congregation to discuss Jewish pride and combat the rise of antisemitism, showing the synagogue’s commitment to standing against hate.

The vandalism at the Park Avenue Synagogue comes in the wake of several other incidents in the city, including protesters smearing red paint on various buildings, the Palestinian mission, a luxury Upper East Side building, and the Brooklyn Museum’s Jewish director and board members. In a separate incident, three men burned American flags and an Israeli flag outside the Jewish State’s consulate, further heightening tensions and concerns about antisemitism in the city.

The incident at the Park Avenue Synagogue underscores the need for continued efforts to combat antisemitism and protect places of worship in New York City. The defacing of the synagogue is seen as a clear act of hatred and a violation of the sanctity of the religious institution. Law enforcement agencies are actively investigating the incident, and it is hoped that the perpetrators will be brought to justice to send a strong message that such acts of vandalism and hate will not be tolerated.

The Jewish community in New York City is on high alert following the vandalism at the Park Avenue Synagogue, as well as other recent incidents targeting Jewish institutions and individuals. The rise of antisemitism is a growing concern, and efforts are being made to raise awareness, increase security measures, and promote unity and solidarity in the face of hate. Communities are coming together to condemn such acts and stand up against bigotry and discrimination.

As investigations continue into the vandalism at the Park Avenue Synagogue and other incidents in the city, there is a collective call for peace, respect, and understanding among all communities. Building bridges and fostering dialogue are essential in combating hatred and intolerance, and ensuring that places of worship and individuals are treated with dignity and respect. The Jewish community in New York City remains resilient and determined to overcome challenges and work towards a more inclusive and harmonious society.

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