Dozens of riders were trapped upside down on the AtmosFEAR ride at Oaks Park in Portland, Oregon for half an hour after a malfunction occurred. Twenty-eight riders were left stranded with their legs in the air before the ride was manually lowered and all passengers safely removed. One person with a pre-existing medical condition was taken to the hospital as a precaution.

Two Portland teenagers, Daniel Allen and Jordan Harding, were at the park celebrating their high school graduation when they got stuck on the ride. What was supposed to be an exciting experience quickly turned into a frightening ordeal as they were left dangling upside down. The pair described the uncomfortable experience and how they were scared and uncertain while waiting to be rescued.

AtmosFEAR is a thrill ride at Oaks Park that includes a pendulum swinging from side to side and stops upside down momentarily before swinging back. When the ride did not resume after the inverted pause, riders realized that something was wrong. Panic ensued among the passengers as they were left hanging upside down, with some even voicing what they thought might be their last words.

One of the teens, Harding, mentioned how her legs fell asleep from the waist down due to the extended time spent upside down, further adding to the discomfort and fear. She shared her feelings of uncertainty and said she even began to pray for her safety as she thought she might not survive the ordeal. The experience was traumatizing for the riders as they feared for their lives while waiting to be rescued.

Following the incident, Oaks Park announced that AtmosFEAR would remain closed until further notice. They also assured guests that had their visit cut short that they would receive a refund or an opportunity to reschedule their visit. The malfunction on the ride led to concerns about safety and the need for further inspections and maintenance before it could be reopened to the public. The park emphasized their commitment to guest safety and ensuring that such incidents do not occur in the future.

The passengers who were trapped on the AtmosFEAR ride at Oaks Park in Portland, Oregon experienced a terrifying ordeal when the ride malfunctioned, leaving them upside down for half an hour. The incident caused panic and fear among the riders, with some voicing their concerns and praying for their safety. Oaks Park took prompt action in lowering the ride manually, ensuring all passengers were safely removed, and providing medical assistance as needed. The park decided to close the ride until further notice to conduct inspections and maintenance, prioritizing guest safety.

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