Cyril Hanouna ended the season of “Touche pas à mon poste!” (TPMP) on C8 last week by inviting various guests, including ministers Rachida Dati and Gérald Darmanin, newly excluded Eric Ciotti, from the Republicans (LR), Reconquest! MEP Sarah Knafo, and National Rally (RN) Vice President Sébastien Chenu. He reappeared unexpectedly on Europe 1 on June 17th for a last-minute political show called “On marche sur la tête” to accompany the two weeks of legislative campaign. The first edition featured guests such as Robert Ménard, mayor of Béziers (Hérault) from the far-right, Eric Zemmour, president of Reconquest!, former police officer turned RN MEP Matthieu Valet, and former Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The tone was set for the show’s political discourse.

During the show, Hanouna briefly appeared and stated that “the French people have the feeling, which is probably true, that La France insoumise is an unacceptable, extremist party, and that the RN is different, not a party that they would describe as far right.” He also stated that “the French are tired of being lectured,” referencing comments made by footballers Kylian Mbappé and Marcus Thuram who spoke out against extremes and the RN. The main objective of the show was to denounce the “makeshift alliance” of the New Popular Front (NFP), as described by Valérie Benaïm, who followed the movement from the set of “TPMP” alongside other commentators.

The show featured journalists Eric Naulleau and Gauthier Le Bret from CNews, as well as Valérie Benaïm, Géraldine Maillet, and Raymond Aabou from “TPMP.” They criticized those who claim to be on the side of good but participated in protests against the far right with slogans that were “absolutely horrible,” including those that praised terrorism. They also discussed the program of the NFP, with Le Bret jokingly calling it a “party of freebies” and Hanouna criticizing their promise to repeal the anti-squatting law, which increases penalties for those posing as property owners to rent out properties that are not theirs. Manuel Valls commented that the NFP program would “ruin France.”

The political show on Europe 1 provided a platform for various guests, including right-wing figures, to discuss current events and political issues. Hanouna and his team used the show to criticize the NFP, highlighting the contradictions in their program and pointing out what they viewed as dangerous policies. The discussion also touched on the role of the media in shaping public opinion and the influence of different political parties and movements. The show aimed to provide a platform for diverse voices and perspectives to come together and engage in meaningful dialogue about the future of France.

Overall, Cyril Hanouna’s political show on Europe 1 served as a platform for discussing current events, political issues, and the upcoming legislative elections. The show featured a mix of guests from various political backgrounds, including Robert Ménard, Eric Zemmour, and Manuel Valls, who shared their perspectives on different topics. The show also provided commentary on the NFP and its policies, with Hanouna and his team critiquing what they viewed as dangerous proposals. The show aimed to engage viewers in meaningful discussions about politics and the future of France, providing a platform for diverse voices to be heard and debated.

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