Just Stop Oil protesters are planning their “biggest action yet” this summer, where they aim to disrupt airports. To mentally prepare for this, they are going on a yoga retreat to relax and support each other. The eco campaigners are crowdfunding for this weekend away, where they will practice yoga, meditation, and spend time together. They plan to disrupt airports in tourist hotspots like Spain, Greece, and Turkey by gluing themselves to runways and climbing on planes. Phoebe Plummer from Just Stop Oil spoke about the “summer strategy” at a recent meeting in London, emphasizing the need to address climate change through radical demands and actions. She highlighted the importance of focusing on issues like food security and wealth inequality instead of summer holidays.

The activists aim to disrupt air traffic control by causing delays and shutdowns at airports. They view flying as a symbol of wealth inequality and believe that it is crucial to take action to address climate change. Just Stop Oil has criticized the government for its climate policies and declared that it is time for a more radical approach. With record temperatures and environmental concerns mounting, the activists believe that direct action is necessary to push for change. By disrupting airport operations, they hope to draw attention to the urgency of addressing climate change and its impact on the planet.

Just Stop Oil’s disruptive actions are part of a wider movement of climate activism that aims to raise awareness and drive change. The group is committed to challenging the status quo and demanding more significant action from governments and corporations. By targeting airports and air travel, the activists are highlighting the environmental impact of flying and the need to reduce emissions from the aviation industry. They believe that individual choices, such as giving up summer holidays, can contribute to broader social change and push for policies that prioritize the planet’s health over personal convenience.

The yoga retreat planned by Just Stop Oil activists is a way for them to build community and strengthen their resolve before taking disruptive action. By coming together in a peaceful and supportive setting, they can recharge their energy and focus on the goals of their movement. The activists see self-care and mental well-being as essential components of their activism, recognizing the emotional toll of fighting for environmental causes. The retreat will provide them with the opportunity to connect with nature, practice mindfulness, and regain a sense of purpose and determination as they prepare for their upcoming actions.

The protesters’ focus on disrupting airports this summer reflects their commitment to radical and disruptive activism to address climate change. By targeting air travel, they are tackling a significant source of emissions and drawing attention to the environmental impact of mass tourism. Just Stop Oil campaigners believe that by challenging the aviation industry and government policies, they can push for more substantial changes that prioritize the planet’s health over economic interests. Their summer of action is part of a broader movement to address climate change and promote sustainable practices that protect the environment for future generations.

Phoebe Plummer and other Just Stop Oil activists are leading the charge in advocating for radical action to address climate change. By disrupting airports and drawing attention to the environmental impact of air travel, they hope to inspire others to join the fight against climate change. The group’s yoga retreat is a unique way for them to prepare mentally and emotionally for their upcoming actions, emphasizing the importance of self-care and community support in the face of challenging and high-stakes activism. As they gear up for their “biggest action yet” this summer, the activists are determined to make their voices heard and demand urgent action to protect the planet.

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