The “Collecting Memories” exhibit at the Library of Congress showcases rare artifacts spanning centuries of American history, offering visitors a glimpse into the nation’s past. From President Abraham Lincoln’s handwritten draft of the Gettysburg Address to Dolly Madison’s crystal flute saved from the burning of the White House in 1814, the exhibit features over 100 prized possessions from the library’s vast collection of more than 178 million items. These artifacts, including Oscar Hammerstein’s “Do-Re-Mi” lyric sheet and original Spiderman drawings, offer a unique perspective on American culture and innovation.

One of the highlights of the exhibit is the collection of items found in Lincoln’s pockets on the night he was assassinated, including a pocket watch, glasses, a handkerchief, and a billfold with his name. The exhibit also features items related to famous landmarks such as the Washington Monument and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, as well as a sewing machine used to construct the AIDS Memorial quilt. Librarian Carla Hayden emphasizes that these treasures belong to the American people, serving as a reminder of their shared history and culture. The exhibit aims to inspire visitors and spark curiosity about the Library of Congress and its vast collection.

The exhibit gained popularity after pop star Lizzo visited the library and played Dolly Madison’s crystal flute at one of her concerts in 2022. This unexpected connection between music and history prompted a resurgence of interest in the library’s treasures, with more people curious about what other artifacts it holds. Hayden highlights the impact of the flute’s appearance on inspiring children to learn music, showcasing the power of historical artifacts to spark creativity and curiosity. The exhibit strives to make these treasures accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or status, offering a free opportunity for visitors to experience a “pinch me moment.”

Nikole Killion, a CBS News congressional correspondent based in Washington D.C., played a key role in the network’s 2020 political and election coverage. Throughout her career, Killion has reported from various locations around the country, providing insightful coverage of important events and political developments. Her work as a correspondent has contributed to the network’s comprehensive coverage of national and international news, highlighting her dedication to journalism and storytelling. Killion’s contributions to the network’s political coverage have established her as a respected and influential journalist in the field.

The “Collecting Memories” exhibit offers a curated selection of rare artifacts that highlight key moments in American history, showcasing the impact of individuals and events on the nation’s cultural heritage. From the personal belongings of President Lincoln to the creative works of Oscar Hammerstein and original Spiderman drawings, the exhibit celebrates the diverse contributions that have shaped American society. By offering a glimpse into the past through these historical artifacts, the exhibit aims to engage visitors, inspire curiosity, and foster a deeper appreciation for the nation’s rich cultural heritage. The presence of Nikole Killion, a prominent journalist and correspondent, further enhances the exhibit’s significance and helps bring these stories to a wider audience.

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