Newly released messages from the House Ways and Means Committee suggest that Hunter Biden proposed a meeting in New York City between the boss of a Chinese energy company and his father, Joe Biden, along with Joe’s brother Jim Biden. The messages show Hunter arranging the meeting with Yadong Liu, CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, stating that his father would also be in New York. Less than two weeks after the proposed meeting, Hunter messaged Yadong anxiously waiting for a report from a meeting in China, where it was mentioned that the circumstances made it almost impossible to move forward with any projects due to legal challenges.

A former business associate of Hunter Biden criticized the Biden family for allegedly lying to the public about the proposed meeting. Emails showed Hunter’s uncle referencing Yadong, and a Town & Country Magazine profile from the same time frame as the proposed meeting aligned with Joe Biden being in New York City. In addition to the text messages, a photo of Yadong’s business card was included in the document released by the House Ways and Means Committee, detailing his background in the Chinese Foreign Ministry as a diplomat and interpreter for Chinese leaders.

Reports suggest that the Chinese Foreign Ministry handles diplomatic affairs on behalf of the state and the government, raising questions about Hunter Biden’s proposed meeting with his father and a top executive at CEFC. This meeting wouldn’t have been the first time the elder Biden met with CEFC executives, as he previously addressed CEFC-linked executives at a private room in Washington, D.C. Hunter Biden’s former business partner revealed that Joe Biden was present for part of the meeting and exchanged pleasantries with the executives.

President Biden has denied knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings and insists he never discussed business with Hunter. However, records show he met with many of Hunter’s business associates, both foreign and domestic. Hunter’s attorney has stated that he did not share his business or profits with his father, contradicting claims that link President Biden to his son’s business dealings. The House Oversight Committee released a report earlier this year alleging that Joe Biden interacted with nearly all of his son’s foreign business associates.

The revelations surrounding the proposed meeting between Hunter Biden and a Chinese energy executive raise questions about the Biden family’s involvement in foreign business dealings. The messages exchanged between Hunter Biden and Yadong Liu, as well as Joe Biden’s interactions with CEFC executives, suggest a level of involvement that contradicts President Biden’s claims of ignorance. The ongoing scrutiny of the Biden family’s business dealings underscores the need for transparency and accountability in political leadership.

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