NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg criticized China for publicly claiming to support Ukraine in its war against Russia while secretly backing Moscow and supplying it with military equipment. Stoltenberg noted that China cannot have it both ways by fueling the conflict in Europe while also wanting to maintain good relations with the West. Despite publicly stating its desire for peace and maintaining a neutral position, China has continued to support Russia, its largest trading partner, with critical technological components for war.

Although China denies sending any weapons to Russia for use in Ukraine, US officials claim that Beijing has supplied Moscow with material used in the production of weapons, including missiles, tanks, and aircraft. China is also sharing high-end technologies with Russia, such as semiconductors and dual-use items, that enable death and destruction in Ukraine, strengthen Russia’s defense industrial base, and bypass sanctions and export controls. The US recently sanctioned seven China-based companies for shipping millions of dollars worth of material to Russia, including items that could be used in weapons systems.

Stoltenberg emphasized that global security is interconnected, highlighting the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on global security. Despite claiming to respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, China has not pressured Russia to return Crimea or the eastern Donbas region to Kyiv. China has made pro-Moscow moves, including supporting a controversial peace plan last year that favored Russian demands. China declined to attend a peace summit in Lucerne, Switzerland over concerns about representation from both Russia and Ukraine.

China’s position on the conflict in Ukraine raises questions about its commitment to global peace and security. While China argues for the need for recognition from both Russia and Ukraine for peace efforts, its actions suggest a bias towards Moscow. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed hope that both Russia and China would attend future peace summits to work towards a resolution of the conflict. The ongoing situation in Ukraine underscores the complexity of global security challenges and the need for collective efforts to address them.

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