Expansion plans for the XXXX brewery in Milton have been challenged by the Anglican Church, which owns property adjacent to the brewery. The brewery, operated by Lion, wanted to build three 40,000-litre ethanol storage tanks to increase production of beverages that aren’t beer, such as seltzers and ready-to-drink brands. However, the church has taken the issue to the Planning and Environment Court, expressing concerns about public safety, property damage, and environmental risks associated with storing 120,000 litres of ethanol in close proximity to residential areas and community facilities.

The church argues that the development poses a “substantial risk” due to the flammable nature of ethanol and the potential for damage to properties beyond the brewery, including the church’s own facilities. Emissions from venting the tanks at a height of 14 meters above ground are also cited as a concern. The church’s land is home to St Francis Theological College, which has a long history and trains Anglican priests. Additionally, the site contains state and local heritage-listed places, adding to the church’s reasons for opposing the brewery’s expansion plans.

The dispute between the XXXX brewery and the Anglican Church has put the brewery’s expansion plans in jeopardy. The brewery’s desire to diversify its product offerings and meet consumer demand for alternative beverages is being met with opposition from the church, which is concerned about the safety and environmental impact of the proposed ethanol storage tanks. The legal challenge has prompted a closer examination of the potential risks and implications of the brewery’s expansion, with both sides presenting their arguments to the court.

The outcome of the legal dispute between the XXXX brewery and the Anglican Church will determine the future of the brewery’s expansion plans. If the court rules in favor of the church, the brewery may be required to reconsider its proposed development and address the concerns raised by the church regarding public safety, property damage, and environmental risks. Alternatively, if the court sides with the brewery, it could pave the way for the brewery to proceed with its expansion and increase production of non-beer beverages.

The dispute highlights the challenges that can arise when businesses seek to expand their operations in densely populated areas and navigate the interests and concerns of local stakeholders. In this case, the conflicting priorities of the XXXX brewery and the Anglican Church have resulted in a legal battle over the proposed ethanol storage tanks, underscoring the complexities of balancing commercial growth with community safety and environmental protection. The outcome of the dispute will have implications for the brewery, the church, and the surrounding community.

Moving forward, the XXXX brewery and the Anglican Church will need to work towards a resolution that addresses their respective concerns and ensures the safety and well-being of the community. Collaborative efforts to find a mutually agreeable solution that allows the brewery to expand while mitigating the risks identified by the church could help to resolve the dispute and pave the way for the brewery to move forward with its expansion plans. Ultimately, finding common ground and balancing the interests of all parties involved will be key to reaching a satisfactory outcome for the brewery, the church, and the community.

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