Lindsay Hubbard, star of “Summer House,” revealed on the “Bitch Bible” podcast that her new mystery boyfriend is actually an old flame that she dated before her ex-fiancé, Carl Radke. They first dated in the winter of 2020, but ended things due to bad timing and career moves. Her new boyfriend reached out to her again in December 2023, four months after Radke publicly ended their engagement. Despite the past, they decided to give their relationship another chance.

Hubbard shared that her previous boyfriend broke up with her in a respectful way, explaining that he wasn’t ready for anything serious at the time and didn’t want to waste her time. They reconnected over lunch and caught up on the past three years of their lives. She described him as successful in his own field, driven, ambitious, and unfazed by her being a reality TV star. Her new boyfriend has never watched “Summer House,” which she finds refreshing.

Although Hubbard has not revealed the identity of her new boyfriend, she took him to a destination wedding in April where her ex, Radke, was also in attendance. Radke expressed on a recent episode of “Watch What Happens Live” that he hopes her new boyfriend treats her well and that she is happy. The cracks in Radke and Hubbard’s relationship have been playing out on the current season of “Summer House,” with arguments revolving around career and communication issues.

The couple broke up in August 2023, leading to the end of their engagement and their subsequent public breakup. Their disagreements have been shown on episodes of “Summer House,” which airs on Bravo. Despite their past relationship and various fights, Hubbard has found happiness with her new boyfriend, who she describes as attentive and satisfying in the bedroom. The couple appears to be moving forward with their relationship as they navigate the challenges of dating in the public eye.

Hubbard’s new boyfriend has brought a sense of refreshment to her life, as he is successful, hardworking, and independent. She appreciates his lack of interest in her reality TV career and enjoys the normalcy that he brings into her life. Despite the drama that has unfolded between Hubbard and Radke on “Summer House,” she seems content and happy with her new relationship. As fans watch the show to see how the season unfolds, Hubbard’s love life continues to be a point of interest and excitement for viewers.

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