Len Goodman, the beloved judge from Strictly Come Dancing, passed away last April at the age of 79 after a battle with bone cancer. Just six months into his retirement and one day before his birthday, he left behind a significant fortune of £4.1M to his wife, Sue Barrett, and his son, James. Len’s will also included a generous £1,000 donation to a children’s hospice in Sittingbourne, showcasing his commitment to charitable causes. The estate was divided equally between his wife and son, with Sue receiving the family home and James inheriting Len’s jewellery collection. Len’s company, Pleasurable Pastimes Limited, will also be split between the pair, as they were already co-directors of the firm.

Len Goodman’s former agent has not provided a comment on the specifics of the will, but it is clear that Len’s family was his top priority when it came to his estate planning. Sue Barrett, a former professional dance instructor nearly 20 years younger than Len, was someone he lovingly referred to as “my wonderful Sue.” Len often praised his wife for staying out of the limelight and making him very happy. Despite not having children with Sue, Len shared a close bond with his son, James, from a previous marriage. Len was previously married to Cherry Kingston, his dance partner, but described their relationship as lacking the spark of real love. After their split, Len had another long-term partner named Lesley with whom he shared a son, James William Goodman.

James Goodman followed in his father’s footsteps and trained to be a dancer, eventually becoming a Latin and ballroom dance instructor. He now teaches at his father’s dance hub, Goodman Dance Academy, and is married to Sophie Goodman, with whom he has two children, Alice and Jack. Len’s relationship with his son remained strong throughout his life, and he made sure to include him in the division of his estate, ensuring that James inherited personal items like his jewellery collection. Despite the ups and downs in Len’s personal life, his dedication to his family was evident in his will, leaving behind a legacy of love and generosity.

In addition to his family, Len Goodman also had a passion for charitable endeavors, as seen in his donation to the children’s hospice in Sittingbourne. Even in death, Len’s legacy of kindness and compassion lives on through these charitable acts. His impact on the world of dance, both as a performer and as a judge on Strictly Come Dancing, will also be remembered by fans and colleagues alike. Len’s sense of humor and warmth endeared him to audiences, and his will reflects his desire to take care of those closest to him while also giving back to those in need. The £4.1M left to his wife and son represents Len’s dedication to providing for his loved ones even after his passing.

Len Goodman’s will, reportedly drawn up in 2020, serves as a final testament to his wishes for the distribution of his estate. By dividing his assets equally between his wife and son, Len ensured that both Sue and James would benefit from his hard work and success. His decision to leave personal items like jewellery to James and the family home to Sue speaks to the thoughtfulness and care with which he approached his estate planning. Len’s willingness to share his wealth with those he loved most is a testament to the values he held dear and the importance he placed on family. The legacy he left behind, both in terms of his financial assets and his contributions to the dance world, will continue to make an impact for years to come.

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