A former model has accused Sean “Diddy” Combs of sexually assaulting her at his recording studio in New York City in 2003. The woman, who was 22 years old at the time, met Combs at a restaurant during Men’s Fashion Week and was invited to his studio later that night. The lawsuit alleges that Combs provided her with marijuana that was laced with a narcotic or intoxicating substance, causing her to feel as though she was floating. The sexual assault allegedly took place in the studio bathroom while she was under the influence.

After the assault, the woman lost consciousness and later woke up in a taxi, realizing she had been sexually assaulted. Combs’ representatives have not responded to requests for comment on the lawsuit. The filing comes days after security footage was released showing Combs attacking singer Cassie in a Los Angeles hotel hallway in 2016. Combs has since released a video apologizing for the incident with Cassie, stating that his actions were “inexcusable.”

Due to the statute of limitations, Combs is not in danger of facing criminal charges for the assault on Cassie. A lawsuit filed by Cassie in November alleging beatings and abuse was settled quickly after it was filed but led to increased scrutiny of Combs. Following the incident with Cassie, more lawsuits were filed against him, along with a federal criminal sex-trafficking investigation that resulted in raids on Combs’ homes in Los Angeles and Miami. The latest claim against Combs was filed under a New York City law allowing accusers to file civil litigation even for events that occurred long ago.

To comply with the Associated Press policy of not naming individuals who say they have been sexually abused unless they agree to be named, the woman who filed the lawsuit against Combs remains unnamed in the news report. Combs has not yet publicly responded to the allegations made in the lawsuit. The accusations against the hip-hop mogul add to a series of controversies and legal issues he has faced in recent years. It is unclear how these latest allegations will impact his career and reputation in the entertainment industry. The lawsuit highlights the ongoing conversation and reckoning around sexual assault and abuse in the music industry.

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