Kourtney Kardashian shared details of her emergency fetal surgery during her pregnancy on the Season 5 premiere of “The Kardashians.” The reality star, who was 31 weeks pregnant at the time, mentioned that her husband, Travis Barker, was about to leave for tour with his band, Blink-182. The surgery was prompted by a scan conducted by a high-risk doctor, which revealed a rare issue that required immediate attention from specialists. Kardashian emphasized that the problem was not age-related and that she had done nothing wrong to cause it.

Following the fetal surgery, Kardashian was placed on strict bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy due to a hole in the amniotic sac caused by the procedure. This prevented her from driving, standing for more than 20 minutes, or leaving the house. Barker left his tour to support his wife during this time, despite issues with communication due to technical difficulties. The reasons for his sudden absence were initially described as a “family emergency,” with Kardashian only revealing the true nature of her hospitalization two months later on Instagram.

Despite the challenges she faced, Kardashian expressed gratitude for the support she received from her fans after sharing her experience with the public. She acknowledged that many people may feel uncomfortable discussing such traumatic events with friends or family members out of fear of being judged. Their baby boy, Rocky, was born in November 2023, adding to Kardashian’s family of four children including Mason, Penelope, and Reign from her previous relationship with Scott Disick, and Barker’s two children from his previous marriage to Shanna Moakler, Landon and Alabama.

Kardashian’s openness about her pregnancy complications was met with appreciation from fans who commended her for speaking out about the ordeal. The Poosh creator’s willingness to share such personal experiences on a public platform resonated with many who may have faced similar challenges. The new episodes of “The Kardashians” are set to premiere on Hulu, giving viewers more insight into the reality star’s journey through motherhood and her relationship with Barker. Kardashian’s candidness about her medical scare serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking support and understanding during times of crisis.

As Kardashian continues to navigate the ups and downs of motherhood and relationships in the public eye, her honesty and vulnerability resonate with audiences who admire her strength and resilience. By sharing her story, she sheds light on the realities of pregnancy complications and the emotional toll they can take on individuals and families. While the road to their son’s birth was not without challenges, Kardashian and Barker’s bond only grew stronger as they faced this ordeal together. Their journey serves as a testament to the power of love and support in overcoming the most difficult of circumstances.

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