The Health Service Executive has issued a statement advising passengers and crew on board Ryanair flight FR123 between Gatwick and Dublin at 8.10pm last Thursday that they may have been exposed to measles. Passengers who have received two MMR vaccines, have been previously infected with measles, or were born in Ireland before 1978 are likely immune, but others are asked to be vigilant for symptoms of measles for 21 days from exposure. The symptoms of measles include cold-like symptoms, a rash on the head and neck that spreads to the rest of the body, and small white spots in the mouth. Healthcare workers who may have been in contact with the measles case are asked to inform their line manager. Those who are not vaccinated with two doses of MMR are encouraged to contact their GP to discuss vaccination options.

Measles often starts with cold-like symptoms including a runny nose, sneezing, cough, and red, sore eyes. A rash typically follows the cold-like symptoms, starting on the head and neck and spreading to the rest of the body. Those who develop these symptoms are asked to seek medical advice and phone ahead to healthcare settings to prevent potential spread to others. People who are not vaccinated against measles are urged to contact their GP during normal working hours to inquire about vaccination. The best way to protect against measles is through MMR vaccination, with children advised to receive their first dose at one year of age and a second dose in junior infants at age 4-5. A catch-up MMR option is available for those who may have missed vaccination when younger.

Passengers and crew on the Ryanair flight are advised to be vigilant for measles symptoms for 21 days following exposure. Those who are likely immune include individuals who have received two MMR vaccines, have been previously infected with measles, or were born in Ireland before 1978. Signs and symptoms of measles should prompt individuals to seek medical advice and contact their GP if they are not vaccinated. The spread of measles can be prevented by vaccination, and children are encouraged to receive their MMR vaccines at the recommended ages. The HSE has also provided further information about measles on their website.

The Health Service Executive has alerted passengers and crew on board Ryanair flight FR123 between Gatwick and Dublin that they may have been exposed to measles. Symptoms of measles include cold-like symptoms and a rash that typically appears on the head and neck before spreading to the rest of the body. Those who develop these symptoms should seek medical advice and contact healthcare providers ahead of time. Vaccination with two doses of MMR is the best way to protect against measles, and individuals are encouraged to contact their GP for further information. Children should receive their MMR vaccines at one year of age and in junior infants, with a catch-up option available for those who missed vaccination when younger.

The Health Service Executive has issued a public-health statement regarding potential exposure to measles on a London-Dublin Ryanair flight. Passengers and crew who may have been exposed are asked to be vigilant for measles symptoms for 21 days following exposure and seek medical advice if symptoms develop. Those who are not vaccinated against measles are encouraged to contact their GP about vaccination options. Overall, the best way to protect against measles is through MMR vaccination, with specific guidelines provided for children and individuals who may need catch-up doses. Further information about measles is available on the HSE website.

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